Chapter 26

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*1 Week Later*

Riley and Aubrey made their way down to the living room. The whole house had been called for a meeting, which was now part of their weekly routine. They turned the corner to the living room and saw everyone was there except Ryan. Riley found a seat and sat down with Aubrey following behind. They waited for a few moments, all talking to each other, until Ryan walked in with an unfamiliar girl behind him. Everyone got quiet and waited for Ryan to explain who she was, but instead he started going over work related things. 

Riley looked over at Shay, who looked just as confused as the rest. Throughout the whole meeting Ryan talked about everything, except who she was. When he was finally done, he started walking out.

"Ryan who is she?" Riley finally asked.

"Oh good question, I forgot." He turned around. "This is Ally, she's the new girl." As they were processing what he said, he started walking away. The girl stood there and smiled at them.

"Ryan wait, wait." Shay called him back. 

"What Shay?" He seemed a little annoyed.

"Can you at least tell us about her." She said with a little attitude. He sighed and spoke again.

"She's 25 and used to work for Chubbs." He explained. "She's here now, that's all you need to know." 

"Chubbs is another pimp." Racquel whispered when she saw the confusion on Riley's face. She nodded as Ryan left the room with Shay following closely behind, everyone could tell she was pissed. Riley looked over at Aubrey, who wasn't paying any mind to them, Ally had his full attention. She was staring back just as hard. Riley was of course bothered by this, she didn't like the way he was looking at her. 

"Aubrey." She snapped her fingers in front of his face. He came out of the trance he was in and looked at Riley. "Come on." She held her hand out for him, he grabbed it and she lead him upstairs. Riley didn't miss his quick glance back at Ally. Once they reached the room she immediately questioned him.

"Why were you staring at her?" He walked over to the bed and laid down. "Aubrey, I know you heard me, answer."

"Riley chill." He mumbled. He was acting distant, something Riley hated about him. Aubrey would always do it when he was mad or didn't want to deal with something. She sighed and walked over to the bed.

"Why are you mad?" She asked, while crawling on the bed and straddling him.

"Do you hear yourself? Riley, you can't even handle when I look at another girl." he paused. "I mean all I did was look at her and now you're acting like this, damn."

"Well you looked like you wanted to rip her clothes off." She said under her breath.

"Ri, get up." She rolled her eyes and sat beside him. He started getting up "I'm gonna go be a good person and talk to Ally, you can sit here and act like a bitch."

"You're such an asshole." She yelled before he left the room.


"Ryan, what the fuck?" Shay slammed the door to Ryan's room. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" He said causally.

"About the new girl, obviously." She rolled her eyes and sat on the bed. Shay watched as Ryan went through a drawer looking for something.

"I've told you before, business and us are separate." He keep looking through the drawer, before moving to another.

"But I helped you build this shit Ryan." She told him. "I mean you could of at least warned us or me."

"Shay, I do what I want. Everything is up to me at the end of the day." He turned around with a few papers in his hand. "And baby at the end of the day business is more important than this." He said referring to them.

Ryan walked out of the room and shut the door, leaving Shay dumfounded about what he just said.


Aubrey looked all around the house before finding Ally in a guest room, or her room now. He walked in and watched as she unpacked. He knocked on the open door getting her attention.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you." She smiled. 

"Hey, I just wanted to know if you needed any help." He smiled and walked him.

"Sure, can you grab that bag and bring it over." She asked pointing to an unpacked bag. Aubrey walked over and brought the bag. "Thanks, I'm just putting my clothes away, if you wanna do that with me."

"Okay." Aubrey grabbed a shirt and put it in a drawer. "So is everyone treating you okay?"

"Well no one has really talked to me yet." She laughed a little. "You're the first. I have a question for you though." Aubrey waited for her to ask. "Why are you here? I mean you're a guy."

"I live here, it's a long story." He told her. 

"Who's that girl, the one you were sitting next to?" She asked.

"Who, Riley? No one important." Aubrey realized what he said, but didn't correct himself. She looked over and raised an eyebrow.

"She didn't look like that." She laughed a little. "But whatever, not my business." Aubrey had to admit, he did think she was fine. She was thick and had longer hair. Ally had the perfect complexion, Carmel skin, with no flaws. She was almost as fine as Riley, almost. He liked the vibe she gave off, it seemed genuine and nice. He stared for a moment, admiring her beauty. "Why do you keep staring at me like that, uh um... wait what's your name?"

"Drake, but I don't know." He paused. "You're just pretty, I guess."

"Well thank you Drake, you're not too bad yourself." Ally smiled at him.

Aubrey knew what he was doing, but after all a little flirting never hurt anyone.


So I had a little writers block, but I think I'm good now. 

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