Chapter 12

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*3 Days Later*

"Papi don't stop." Riley moaned in Aubrey's ear.

It had been three days since Shay's call and they hadn't heard anything. Riley hadn't told Aubrey anything about moving, she told him she called to say hey and she might visit. Aubrey didn't completely believe her but he let it go.

"I'm gonna cum Aubrey." Riley's nails clawed Aubrey's back as he kept trusting into her. Right she was about to hit her peak her phone rang. Aubrey slowed down a little, waiting to know what Riley would do. "Keep going, I'm close." He leaned down and kissed her and kept going. She came right when her phone stopped ringing, sending the person to voicemail.

Riley pushed Aubrey off of her and climbed on top of him. "Not gonna get your phone?" He asked.

"No they can wait." She said, sliding onto him. He groaned as she set her pace and rode him.

"Fuck Ri." She leaned down and kissed him. When their lips touched, her phone started ringing again. She reached over and pressed 'end call' and continued. Aubrey gripped her hips, as she grabbed his shoulders. She grinded on his length, making him groan more. Aubrey was about to speak when her phone rang again.

"Shit." Riley said as she slowed down. "Why can't people just leave me alone?"

"Just answer it then we can finish." Aubrey sat up and kissed her. When he broke the kiss Riley removed him and reached for her phone. She sat on Aubrey's chest as she answered.

"Hello?" She answered slightly annoyed.

"Hey Riley." Shay said.

"Shay this better be good cause I was in the middle of something important." She was still panting a little bit.

"Oh, that's why you didn't answer." She giggled through the phone. "I should have known you were getting fucked and kept sending me to voicemail." Riley blushed a little.

"Shay shut up, maybe I was running." She told her. "And plus even if I was fucking you don't need to know that."

"Whatever, we all know you weren't running." Riley was about to make up a comeback when Shay spoke. "That's not why I called thought we need to talk about you coming here."

"Tell me the plan." Riley looked down at Aubrey, who barely paying attention to her. He was busy admiring her body, running his hands up and down her sides and gripping her ass.

"I want you to move here, because when I saw mom she looked like she was on some drugs." She paused. "I really need you to stay somewhere safe." Riley laughed.

"First of all we grew up in Compton, that's really safe." She rolled her eyes. "And when did you start giving a shit about me?"

"Riley shut up, I've always cared about you, and at least I can keep and eye on you here." She told her.

"Whatever just tell me the rest."

"Okay well there's two options when you get here. You can either stay at the house with me, the rest of the girls and Ryan, or Ryan has an apartment."

"Who the hell is Ryan?" Riley asked, confused.

"Ryan is my pimp, his pimp name is Combeir, it's a liquor." She told her.

"No shit." She rolled my eyes. "Why don't you call him Combeir then?"

"Cause I don't have to. When it comes to me, I'm kinda on a pedestal." She bragged. "But I can get you down here by flying you."

"What about Aubrey?" Right when she said that his head shot up.

"He can come too." Shay answered. "Are you coming though?"

"Wait how are we gonna get food and money?" Riley needed more details in order to agree.

"We have it set up, if you stay at the house with us, there's food and you get about $150 a week. If you stay at the apartment, we will restock everything and you get $75 a week." Riley froze. "And before you ask I can get you in a school down here."

"Wh-what? Holy shit that's a lot." She would go down there just for money. "What's the catch?"

"If you come down here and help get mom out." She told her. "And once we get her out you can stay till you decide what to do. And plus I don't want you staying down there anymore, there's better opportunities here. So what do you say?"

"I uh, I" She paused looking at Aubrey. She had yet to tell him, but she knew he would most likely agree. "Yes, we'll do it."

"Good, you have till tomorrow to pack." Shay laughed a little. "Sorry for the short notice."

"Whatever, we can do it."

"I'll text you everything, flight info and moving your stuff here. And by the way you have till you arrive in Toronto to decide where you guys wanna live, the house or the apartment."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Riley said as she hung up.

"Your sister is coming tomorrow?" Aubrey asked.


"Who are you gonna see tomorrow then?" He asked.

"My sister." She told him.

"What the fuck? You just said she's not coming."

"We're going there." She said. "Actually moving there."

"What are you talking about?"

"Shay said she saw my mom there, basically we're moving there to help get her out of there." She told him.

"How do you know I would agree to this?" He asked. "Maybe I don't wanna go. You don't make decisions for me. And what about school?"

"Shay's taking care of that." She told him. "And what do you mean you don't wanna go, we said we were gonna leave here, remember?"

"We would make the decision together." He lightly pushed her, signaling for her to get off. He started getting dressed. "And this is short notice, where does she even live?"

"I told you Toronto." She wrapped the blanket around herself, covering her naked body. "Are you mad?"

"No shit Riley." He said.

"Well damn I didn't know this was a big deal." She rolled her eyes.

"It kinda is, if you haven't realized that." Once he was fully dressed he spoke. "I'll be back."

"Where are you going."

"Somewhere." He started walking towards the door.

"Be back soon, we gotta pack." She told him. Aubrey sighed.

"Riley I'm not going." And with that he left.


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