Chapter 14

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"So basically you're just gonna leave me here? With Ryan, alone." Riley asked.

"Well I mean it's Saturday, the busiest night." Racquel responded.

"I gotta go watch over the girls, make sure the police don't get them." Shay said. "Ryan's nice anyway, plus he likes you."

"But still I don't know these people." Riley whispered to Shay.

"We're not going to kill you Riley." Raquel spoke up. "Besides you're living with us for awhile."

"Fine." Riley crossed here arms and sat back on Shay's bed. All the girls were getting ready for what they called 'work' tonight. Riley had been at the house for a total of 6 hours and they were already leaving her, but none of them could miss tonight because it was Saturday. "When do you get back?"

"Uh the earliest is three." Raquel told her. Even though she had been here for a short time she definitely liked Racquel the most.

"Oh my G-" Riley was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Shay let's go you're late." Ryan yelled.

"Okay I'll be down in a minute." She yelled back. "Riley stay out of trouble while I'm gone."

She rolled her eyes. "No promises."


Riley watched as the car with all the girls drove off. She really wasn't comfortable with staying only with Ryan, he was nice but what he did kinda scare her.

She slowly walked into the living room to see Ryan spread out on one of the couches. He was on his laptop and had the TV on, he looked like he was paying no mind to the basketball game on. Riley walked over and grabbed the remote and changed the channel.

"Hey hey, I was watching that." He looked up.

"Can I not watch something?" She paused. "I mean you are engrossed in the laptop."

"Watch the mouth." His voice was stronger.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. He reached over and stanched the remote from her and turned off the TV. He slammed his laptop closed and looked at her.

"Listen here little girl, you're gonna live by my rules, which we need to set now." He glared at her. "First no attitude, at all. Second, you listen to me, it's my house, my girls, my rules. Third if I tell your ass to do something you better fucking do it. I will have to think of a punishment cause I can't do what I would normally do, that would be rape cause you're underage."

Riley wasn't scared of his tough guy act. She laughed at him, throwing him off a little. "Honey I grew up in Compton, I'm not scared of your ass. Shay well, she's obviously forgotten how it was there if she let's you push her around like that. So stop acting like a bitch and chill."

Ryan got up and pulled her up so they were face to face. "I wanna beat the shit outta you right now."

"Do it." She smirked, not scared of his threats. He threw her across the room by her arm, she slammed against the wall. "That's it?" He walked back over and threw her on the ground, he brought his foot to her rib, making her gasp. "Shit." Riley brought her foot over and tripped him, so he was on the ground with her. They threw punches and wrestled until they heard the door open. Neither stopped.

"Oh my God guys, stop it." Shay yelled. She walked over and grabbed Riley from Ryan's grasp. Riley tried to get out of her grip so she could continue this but Racquel walked in the room holding her back. "What the fuck, I leave for ten minutes and forget something and this is what I walk into?"

"He's an asshole." Riley yelled.

"Damn Riley, I knew I shouldn't have brought you here." She pulled me again. "I can't fucking trust you. I mean look at yourself, did you have to do this the first day." Riley looked around and noticed the broken glass, couches moved around, and her bloody nose. Her bloody nose dripped on the carpet, Ryan had a little bruise on his arm. "I'm so embarrassed right now."

"Really." Riley couldn't believe this. "You don't even ask if I'm okay? He hit me, a man hit me."

"It happens, damn you don't think we've gotten hit before." She yelled. "I just can't with you right now."

"You let him hit you?"

"Only if you don't fucking listen, which you didn't." She screamed.

"Okay, guys chill we can clean it up." Racquel spoke up.

"That's not the fucking point, she can't do anything without fucking everything up. Don't be surprised if she's not here tomorrow." Shay lowered her voice a little. "Let's just go Racquel, I just can't do this now."

"You're such a bitch." Riley mumbled.

"Cause I let you stay here, you're being the bitch." She said slamming the door. Riley stared for a moment but then turned to Ryan. He had been standing there the whole time, listening.

"Clean this shit up." He growled. "And don't think you're getting away with this."

"I hate you." She yelled as he walked away, not thinking he would turn around. He walked back over and slapped her right in the face.

"Don't talk to me like that bitch." He said. "When all the girls are back you're gonna learn the rules, and I'm making new ones. I can't deal with you like this. You think you own this damn place." He started walking away again. "Clean the fucking mess up."

Riley couldn't believe she had agreed to this, especially without Aubrey here with her.


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