Chapter 16

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*One Week Later*

Riley had been keeping to herself since what happened with Ryan. She hadn't been talking to anyone, except Aubrey and sometimes Racquel, but other than that kept her feelings bottled up. She had one week until school started back up. Her whole day now consisted of her sitting in her room listening to music, maybe going outside, talking to Aubrey, eating meals with the other girls, then sitting in her room for the night while Ryan did what he did.

Riley was wondering why she was even here. Shay said she saw their mom, but they hadn't even mentioned her name since she walked into this house.

"So when is this Aubrey guy coming?" Raquel asked Riley, they were sitting in Racquel's room just talking. Riley blushed at the mention of Aubrey's name.

"I'm not sure, I just hope Combeir let's him stay." She looked down. "I mean before I came he was okay with both of us coming but now I'm not sure."

"He doesn't hate you." Racquel reassured her. "What do you guys do at night while we're all working?"

"I sit in my room as usual, with the door locked." She told her. "I'm not sure what he does."

"We-" Raquel was cut short with a knock at the door.

"Dinner." Shay's voice came through the door.

"Okay we're coming." They both got up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. All the girls were gathered around the table. Once they sat down they all started eating the chicken one of the girls made. Ryan usually didn't eat dinner with the girls, they made him a plate and gave it to him when he was ready. All the girls engaged in conversation, except Riley. Most of the girls didn't talk to her because of Ryan, they looked at her differently, even Shay.

She kept her head bowed and got lost in her thoughts as she picked at the food. She was so into thought she didn't even hear a girl ask a question. "Riley?"

"Oh, huh?" Her head shot up to see Octavia talking to her.

"I asked if you were okay."

"Um, yeah." She answered. All of the girls were looking at her, as if they forgot she was there.

"You know if you have something on your mind you can share it with all of us." She smiled at Riley. "I know you've been quiet lately and we haven't been the best welcome crew, and that's our fault."

"It's not mine." Shay spoke up. Riley couldn't believe this, her own sister was treating her like this. "She needs to learn how to act." Riley closed her mouth and put her head down. She could have said something, but she'd learned to keep her mouth closed and hide feelings. The rest of dinner was spent in silence. After they were done all the girls went to get ready to work, while Riley went to her room.

She plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, she would have turned on the TV but she didn't have one in her room. She thought about everything going on, this is what she had been doing whenever she didn't have anything to do. She didn't spend time with anyone. After about an hour of staring into space she heard a knock at the door and it opened.

"Hey, we're about to go." Racquel told her. "If you need anything just call."

"Okay thanks, be careful." She smiled. They said their goodbyes, then Riley was left to her thoughts again. Riley knew she had changed. Everything had changed, her attitude, her view on life, how she saw other people, the way she acted, the way she treated people, everything changed. She wasn't sure if this change was for the good, she only hope when she saw Aubrey he would accept it.

She had no idea how long she was staring, minutes ran into hours, but soon she heard a loud aggressive knock and the door flew open. Ryan barged in and grabbed her.

"Why can't you just learn not to fuck with me?" He had so much anger in his eyes, it scared Riley. "Huh? Why can't you just live her and mind your damn business?"

"Wh-what?" Ryan was holding her so hard, it felt like he was going to break her arm.

"You know what you did." He threw her back. "And this time I won't accept it." She landed on the ground when he threw her, he brought his foot to her stomach.

"Stop!" She chocked out. "Stop, I didn't-" He kicked her right in the rib, making her yelp. He pulled her up right into his face.

"I'm gonna help you learn a lesson, that you need to mind your business and not fuck with my shit." He pushed her into the wall, hitting her head. Her vision was blurred and she couldn't think. He grabbed her again, she tried to run, but hitting her head effected her senses. He brought his fists right to her face. Ryan grabbed her neck and pushed her against the wall, hitting her head again, while choking her.

"St-" She could barely form words. "Pl-please just st-st-op." He applied more pressure to her neck. He brought his fists up again and punched her in the nose, then the mouth. She had blood spilling down her face. By now Riley could barley breath, had blood coating her face, and couldn't see well and could barley react to what he was doing.

"After this I shouldn't have to talk to you again." He back handed her and let go of her, she feel to the ground and didn't move. He gave her a few more kicks. He knelt down. "Don't let this shit happen again."

"Wh-." She paused trying to speak through the blood coming from her mouth. "What?" She tried to crawl away from him but too much pain shot through her body.

"You stole my damn money." He yelled. "Don't act like it wasn't you." Riley slowly nodded her head 'no'. "Lying will only hurt you more." He reached down and grabbed her again, she flinched at his touch.

"P-ple-ase." She cried out. "I didn't" He gave her another kicked then stood her up again. He slammed her into the wall, catching her before she fell and giving her one last punch. He let her fall to the ground.

"See what lying does?" He asked.

"I didn't" This time he pulled her by her hair across the room and stepped on her stomach, she tried to scream from pain but with blood and tears it made it hard to.

"Remember this lesson." He walked out of the room shutting the door. She couldn't move or call for help. Riley stared up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

What had she gotten herself into?


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