Chapter 3

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*3 Days Later*

Riley quickly got dressed. Aubrey hadn't come by this morning to wake her up, in fact he hadn't showed up the last 3 days.

Aubrey was distancing himself from Riley or at least that's what she thought. Ever since they had sex he hadn't been around her much. She was losing her self esteem, was it really that bad to him?

She ran out of the door and down the street. The route she and Aubrey usually took, took them 10 minutes, it took Riley two as she ran with her book bag. She ran into the school and down the hall right into second period. She walked in out of breath and beyond pissed.

"Well nice of you to join us Miss Chambers." Mr. Scott, her English teacher  said. She didn't even respond, she walked back to her seat in the class  but was met by a sight she never thought she would see. She saw Aubrey sitting in the back with his hand on Jade's thigh. Jade gave her an evil smile as Riley turned around and found a new seat in the front.

She almost broke into tears. This really meant nothing to Aubrey? He had probably lied and she wasn't even his first. He obviously had if he was acting like he was. To Riley that was the best day of her life. Mr. Scott assigned them to write a page on how they were feeling. Just great. Riley sat and thought about this and wrote two words on her paper. She sat there until Mr. Scott said they should share their papers with the class. He looked right at Riley when he said those words. She slowly got up and stood in front of the class.

She stood there for a second until she looked right at Aubrey and read the two words on the paper.

"Like Shit." She said.

"Riley that's all you wrote?" He asked. He wasn't even mad that's the words she chose to express herself.

"I could have wrote a whole paper but what's the point I only need two words." She told him.

"And kids that's why Riley just got an A on this." He smiled. Wait what did he just say?

"Mr. Scott she wrote two words." Jade said.

"That's the point sometimes we don't need a whole page to express what we feel." Riley rolled her eyes at him. The bell rang. "Okay kids think about that tonight and come back tomorrow and be more prepared."

That was the most confusing class period she'd ever been in. She walked down the hall, bumping into a few people, but soon she walked out of the school doors. She wasn't in the mood for that shit. As she walked home she saw someone familiar. She thought about approaching  him. No one ever approached that person unless they needed the things he had. She was about to decide against it, but something was telling her she needed it. So she walked over.

"Riley? You wanna buy something?" Rodney asked. "That's a shock. But what would you like?"

"Just a little something to ease my mind, nothing that will fuck up my whole life." He pulled out a small bag of weed and she pulled out a ten dollar bill. They traded and she put the bag in her pocket and continued her journey home.

She walked into the silent house, her mom hadn't been home as much. Riley wondered but didn't ask, people had their own way of grieving. She pulled the bag of weed out of her pocket and on the floor of her room. She sat down and started rolling the weed into a blunt.

"Really Riley?" Aubrey's voice was behind her.

"Aubrey? What the fuck? How did you get in?" She yelled.

"You left the door unlocked, come on someone could have broke in here." He paused and looked down and her hands. "Why do you have that shit?"

"Cause you hate me and you lied." She told him. Riley turned around and started rolling the blunt again.

"Wait what?" Riley finished then brought the lighter the the blunt. Aubrey knocked the lighter out of her hand.

"You heard me, it meant nothing to you. You've slept with a lot of girls. And dammit I'm trying to smoke, Aubrey just leave me alone. "

"No, you can't smoke. And Riley you were the first, trust me." He sat down and grabbed her hand. "I would never lie to you."

"Aubrey where have you been the past couple days." She set the blunt down and looked at him, she had tears in her eyes.

"Baby girl I just needed some time to think." He told her.

"Aubrey I needed you, mom hasn't been coming home. I have no idea where she is going but I smell the weed and drugs on her when she does. And to make things worst I miss Ace." He leaned over and kissed her forehead. He used his fingers to wiped away the tears.

"That's why you needed me?" He asked.

"Yes Aubrey, I just was scared I was losing you too." She admitted.

He leaned over and kissed her lips.

"Ri, remember our promise?" She nodded. "I'm not breaking that. I won't leave you behind." She climbed over into his lap and started kissing his neck.

"Aubs I love you." She said without thinking.

"Riley I love you too." He told her. She lifted her head and started kissing him. It was a replay of last night, except this time they made love. Most would say they were too young for that, but they didn't know them like they knew each other. This was a love deeper than friendship, this was a love that you would have for someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

Riley and Aubrey loved each other.


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