Chapter 5

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*1 Week Later*

"Damn Aubrey I have no idea where she could be."

Riley and Aubrey just got out of school and were walking home. It had been one week since they'd been to the trap house and every other place they thought she was, there was no sign. Now they were both out of ideas. She hadn't been home at all, and now Riley wasn't sure what to think. Did she leave her for good? Did she need time? Was she dead?

"Baby listen, we will find her." Aubrey reassured.

"Aubrey dammit, we've looked at over Compton no one has seen her." Riley let go of his hand and walked faster. Aubrey sighed. He let her walk ahead, until they reacher the apartment complex. She slowed down and walked to the mailbox and stared. Aubrey walked up behind her.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused.

"I haven't even checked the mail since she's been gone. Shit."

"Your point?"

"Aubrey people have bills to pay, and I know for a fact I haven't been doing it." She walked forward and opened her mailbox. Sure enough pink and yellow papers spilled everywhere. Riley bent down and picked up a piece. She read over it. "No, no no. Fuck. Aubrey pick this shit up I'll be right back."

Before he could respond she ran across the parking lot to her apartment. Aubrey reached down and started picking up the pieces. Once he had them all he read over one.

To whom it may concern,

We've noticed you've missed your monthly payment. We will give you until October 17th to pay this payment.

Aubrey thought about the date, October 23rd. He continued reading.

If you refuse to pay the amount do, we have no other choice but the move you out, if have not paid by that time your apartment will no longer be available to you. Please move your things out if you chose not to pay, we will not have anyway to get your things to you.

Aubrey scanned over the rest, and knew they were in deep shit. Riley's stuff was basically locked in the house because today was the day the complex owners changed the locks. He quickly got up and ran the way Riley did. Once he reached her door he saw her trying to break down the door with tears running down her face.

"Riley, Riley chill. You're gonna break something trying to break down that door." Aubrey pulled her away from the door.

"Aubrey I don't have anything now. No house. No food. No clothes. No brother No mom." She could barely get the last words out.

"Riley I got you, okay? I always have. Come on." He pulled her towards the stairs.

"Whe- where are we going?"

"Well I can't leave you on the street. I will explain to my mom and you're staying with me." He told her.

"Aubrey your mom works hard enough to support you two, she won't want me there too." She let him pull her.

"I will find a way." He unlocked his door and pulled her in. "Okay I know how to get your clothes."

"Aubrey come on, there's no way." She walked into his room.

Without words he opened his window and climbed on the fire escape. "Coming?" He turned back. Riley got up and followed him out. They climbed down the ladder and Aubrey opened her room window. "Didn't I say I had you?" He smiled at her and helped her through the window.

She smiled and jumped on Aubrey. "I fucking love you." He chuckled. She leaned down and kissed his lips. After a good minute of kissing, Aubrey pulled away.

"We have to start packing." He started scanning the room. "But we can't take everything."

"Okay just clothes and maybe some food?" She started picking up clothes off the ground.

"Yeah, I'll pack stuff from your drawers." He grabbed a bag and started opening her drawers.

They stayed silent while packing everything. Aubrey smiled when he came across one drawer. He picked up one of her thongs and threw it at her.

"Aubrey what the fuck, you're supposed to be packing." She picked up the thong and threw it back at him. "You act like you haven't seen my thong before."

"Well you just look so damn good in them." He smiled. She looked down and noticed his hard. She smirked. She looked back up and he was smiling. "You can take care of that, if you want."

"Aubrey we should finish packing, but later." She bit her lip and turned around and started packing again. Aubrey knew she was right, if the got caught in here they would be in trouble. They finished packing and started bringing her things up the fire escape. Aubrey was leading the way with the first round of boxes. He walked into his room through the window and was met with a surprise. He almost stumbled backwards onto Riley when he saw someone in his room. He climbed through the window with his box in hand and turned around and pulled the heavy box from Riley.

"Mom? What are you doing home?" He asked as Riley climbed through the window.

"Well I heard some things about Riley's mom." She looked at Riley. "Can one of you explain what's been going on?"

"We've gotta finish getting her stuff out of her room and we'll explain." He turned around.

"Wait wait." Aubrey paused. "Where is she staying?"

"Here." He said with his back to her. She sighed.

"Aubrey I think we should talk first." He glanced at Riley she looked like she was about to cry, she knew his mom wanted to talk about her staying there. "Come to the living room when you're done."

He pulled Riley out of the window and finished taking her bags and boxes up to their apartment. Once he was done he told Riley to sit down and relax.

"I'll be right back baby girl." He told her before walking out of the room. Aubrey walked out and closed the door. He was met with the sight of his mom at the table drinking coffee. "So mom what did you wanna talk about?"

"Aubrey you know how hard I work." She paused as he sat down across from her. "First off where is her mom?"

"We don't know, she's not been here for about a week in a half. We've been looking."

"Aubrey do you really think we have enough money for another person?" She asked.

"Ma, this is Riley. I know we can find money for her." His mom put her head in her hands. "Come on mom, this could work."

"Okay fine Aubrey. Only because it's Riley." She said. "But I really don't want you guys sharing a room, but you're gonna have to. I mean you guys are best friends and I don't think you do stuff like that."

"Okay mom, we don't need to talk about this." The room grew awkward.

"Just know you're sharing a room with her." She got up and put her cup in the sink.

"Thanks ma." She smiled. "And by the way I'm happy you're home for the day."

He opened the door to see Riley laying out on the bed.

"What did she say?" She quickly asked.

"Calm down, you can stay." He sat on the bed.

"Really?" She smiled.

"Yep, and we're sharing this room." He winked at her.

"Wait she'll let us do that?" She asked.

"She says we're best friends and says she doesn't think we do stuff like that." He looked over and smiled at her. "But how wrong was she?"


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