Chapter 13

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Riley slowly boarded the plane, alone.

Her head hung as she walked. She really didn't want to leave Aubrey but she knew she had to. This decision was what was best for her and her family, even though Aubrey was family.

She loaded her bag in the compartment and sat down, since it was her first time on a plane she chose the window seat. Riley felt like shit, she rested her head against the window. She prayed that somehow Aubrey would show up last minute, but that was out of the question, he had nothing packed and wasn't dressed when she left.

She whipped the one stray tear that escaped and listen to the people giving instructions. She zoned out and before Riley knew it they were taking off. She barely paid attention to anything going on, all she could think about was that morning.


"Aubrey why won't you come?" Riley asked with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I need you to come, I can't go alone."

"Then don't go at all." He told her. "Stop begging me to come. I just can't leave, not now at least."

"Why? That's all I wanna know." She yelled. "Am I not enough for you?"

He sighed. "Ri, you know you're always gonna be enough, maybe even more. I can't just leave my mom on such short notice."

"I-I need you too." She walked over to him. "Just please Aubrey, please come."

He reached over and brushed away her tears. "Maybe in a couple weeks, just not now." He brought her lips to his. They shared a passionate kiss. "I love you Riley. Just promise me you'll be safe."

"I will, but you be safe." She pecked his lips. "Please don't be stupid while I'm gone." She smiled at him, tears were still falling down her face.

"I promise baby girl." They spent the next couple minutes saying their goodbyes, which consisted of them sharing long passionate kisses and almost getting into something more, but she had to go then.

*End Of Flashback*

"Excuse me miss." Someone shook Riley. "The plane has landed."

Riley slowly opened her eyes and noticed the lady was right. She must have fallen asleep during the flight. She said thanks, grabbed her bags and exited the plane. She walked through the airport, trying to find her way out. Once she figured out how to get outside she looked for her sister's car, and spotted it. Shay had described the car over the phone, Riley opened the doors and set her bags in, then climbed in.

"Hey Riley!" Shay yelled.

"Hey Shay." Riley gave her a weak smile.

"Where's Aubrey?" Riley sucked in her breath and turned to look out the window as Shay pulled away from the airport. "Oh, we don't have to talk about it. So what's up?"

"Nothing." She really wasn't in the mood for talking.

"That's it?" Shay paused. "So have you decided where you wanna stay?"

"I uh, I think I wanna stay with you." Riley finally looked over at her sister. Since she had last seen her she died her hair a light brown with a few dark highlights. Her hair reached a little past her shoulders and her complexion had gotten lighter.

"Oh yay! We're gonna have fun!" She didn't really wanna stay in that house, she knew what went on there. Shay said there would be 6 other girls there and they all did the same thing. Ryan or Combeir was the guy she would have to listen to in order to stay.

"Is Combeir nice?" Riley decided to call him that instead of Ryan until someone said otherwise. Apparently all the girls, except Shay, called him that.

"Yep, unless you get on his bad side." Shay said.

"Like you?" Riley smirked a little.

"Same annoying sister." She rolled her eyes. The rest of the 30 minute ride was spent talking over life here and just catching up. When they arrived Shay helped Riley carry her bags in. Riley was beyond amazed, this house was huge. It had 10 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms from what Shay told her. The walked in, the house was filled with a little noise. Shay set Riley's stuff down and walked into the living room, Riley followed behind. When they walked in the room all the girls looked at them, or Riley.

"Girls this is my sister Riley." She smiled. They all stared until one got up and walked over.

"Hey I'm Ectasy." She smiled.  I looked at her weird. "My real name is Racquel."

"Wait so do you call each other your fake names or real names?" Riley asked.

"Well usually fake names, that Combeir gave us." Shay said. "Mine is Paradise." Riley thought these were the dumbest names she'd ever heard of. She turned her attention back. They girls started going around the room saying their names, real and fake.

"I'm Kristen or Panther."

"Cali is my real name. Nadia is the fake one."

"Melanie or Mercedes."

"I'm Rose or Sin."

"I'm Octavia." The last girl smiled. "That's my real and fake name."

All the girls seemed to be nice, Riley was a little against Kristen, she had a weird vibe. "Well can I call you guys by your real names?"

"Yeah." Shay spoke up. "That's okay." The room grew silent. "Uh, Riley let me show you your room."

"Okay." They hurried out of the room and grabbed her things. "So where's Combeir?"

"He'll be back in a few minutes." She lead me down a hallway. "Your room is right beside mine and by all the girls room. Ryan's is on the other end of the house."

"Why do you call him Combeir in front of them them Ryan around me?" She asked as they entered a huge room.

"He prefers for us to call him that, but as I said I'm above them." She smiled. "I'm the one sleeping with him every night, he prefers my sex, and the rest of the girls have to go out and earn money buy sucking dick and all that shit, I don't. I basically watch over all the girls."

Riley was going to question her until they heard the front door open. She quickly walked out of the room, she wanted to see what this Combeir guy looked like. She reached the front door to see him being treated by the girls. He slipped his shoes off and Cali slid on slippers. Octavia pulled his shirt off and unbuckled his belt as Racquel put a robe on him. Riley watched as Kristen brought him a glass on wine.

Riley didn't know how they were okay with this. She was amazed of the power he held over them. Once they were done, they backed away and he walked over to Riley, not even saying thank you. The girls went about their day.

"Shay, this is your sister?" He asked.

"Yes." Shay answered.

"You're lucky you're her sister, otherwise you wouldn't be here." He looked at me. "Name?"

"Riley." She stated.

"Well Riley let's see what name I could give you." She furrowed her brows.

"I'm okay with my name." She told him. He looked at her, surprised.

"Well you're gonna get a new one." He stared her down.

"Riley is fine." She wasn't backing down. They stared for a minute.

"I like you." He stated. "I've never seen these girls stand up  for anything. Keep your name and call me Ryan."

"Well I'm pleased to be here Ryan." She smiled.


Well that's it.

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