Chapter 4

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Riley was woken up from her peaceful sleep by her alarm clock.

She felt Aubrey move and the alarm clock stop. She looked up at him from his chest and smiled. He leaned down and kissed her.

"Good morning baby girl." He said in his sleepy voice that she loved.

"Morning." Riley slowly lift herself from the bed, knowing she had to go to school. She stood up and walked to the bathroom completely naked, from her and Aubrey's love session.

"Damn." Aubrey mumbled.

"You coming?" She turned around and asked. They had a little less than two hours to get to school.

"Don't have to ask me twice." He got up and followed her into the bathroom.

~Later that Day~

Aubrey noticed Riley had been quiet since homeroom, he knew when she was quiet she was thinking.

They were sitting in their last period, history, and their teacher Mrs. Short gave them partner work. As usual Aubrey and Riley partnered up. They pretended to do the work and talked.

"What's wrong Ri?" Aubrey asked.

"Nothing." She continued to doodle in her notebook.

"Come on baby just tell me." Riley looked around.

"You can't call me baby in public, people might wonder." She whispered. "We're not even official."

"Baby let them wonder, they already do anyways." He told her. "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?"

"I started thinking." She sighed. "And well my mama didn't come home last night. She always does. What if something happened?"

Thinking about it now Aubrey noticed her absence. "Ri, don't worry I'm sure she's fine."

"Aubrey do you see where we live, of course I'm gonna worry. Will you go with me to help me look for her today, I have an idea of where she is." She told him


~That Afternoon~

The sun was going to set in about an hour, that was all the time they had.

Aubrey held Riley's hand as they walked up to the trap house. She thought her mom was here because ever since the night Ace died, she smelled of weed and sex. Aubrey walked up the wooden stairs, pulling Riley up with him. This was the last place Aubrey wanted her to be, but they had to find her. He knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. Soon the door was cracked open.

"Name?" The person only opened the door enough for them to see his eye.

"Drake and Riley." He answered.

"Never heard of you two, what are you here for?" He asked.

"Business." He was straight forward.

"Nah man, you could be with the cops."

"We need to know if someone is here." Aubrey urged.

"Sorry man." He started to close the door.

"Please, I'm looking for my mom." Riley begged.

"Just cause shawty is looking for her mom I'm gonna let you in, try anything you both die." He opened the door and pulled them in. The place smelled of all types of drugs, women were everywhere. Inside you could hear music playing though the whole house. The whole place was covered in a cloud of smoke."This way"

Riley felt dirty being here, she gripped Aubrey's hand tighter. He followed the man that answered the door up the stairs. He lead them down a hall and right into an office.

"What do you want Darrell?" The man asked.

"Shawty here is looking for her mom."

"Well I don't know about that shit, so get the hell out." He finally looked up at Riley and Aubrey. "Wait, ma you are fine as hell."

"We're not here for that." Aubrey spoke up.

"Damn man loosen up, I'm just checking out this nice thick bitch." He licked his lips. Riley felt his grip on her hand tighten. Aubrey hated when people called her a bitch. One time a boy at school called her that and he beat the shit out of that kid.

"She's a women, not a bitch." He said through gritted teeth.

"That's your girl?" The man asked.

"Yes." They weren't official but Aubrey didn't want him talking about Riley anymore.

"My bad, but how can I help." The man paused. "By the way my name is Trey."

"My name is Drake and this is Riley." Aubrey told him. "And we're looking for a women named Tanya."

"Got a picture?" Riley reached in her pocket and pulled out a picture of her mom. "Yes I've seen her here."

"Is she still here?" Riley finally spoke.

"Oh the girl has a voice" Trey said.

"Yes, is she still here or not?" She rushed.

"Nah, I don't think so. I've sold to her though. A couple times in the past week." Trey told them.

"Thank you Trey, that's all we needed to know. We need to go though." Riley wanted to get out of here.

"Baby if you need anything else you know where I am." He winked.

Aubrey rolled his eyes and followed Riley out of the room. Once they were on the street they rushed home, they learned to be home before the sun went down or they would most likely be in some kid of trouble.

~That Night~

"Aubrey were do you think she went?" She asked.

They were sitting in Aubrey's room sprawled out on the bed. Riley traced endless patterns on Aubrey's chest.

"I'm not sure baby girl" He told her.

"Why do you keep calling me baby? Are we, you know?"

"What do you want us to be? Wait no, what do you think we are?" He asked.

"Well I kinda think we're dating, cause you know I said I loved you." Riley whispered the last part.

"Well we're a couple then." He smiled at her and pecked her lips. "Do you really love me or are you just saying it?"

"Yes Aubs, I love you." She told him.

"Aubs? Really? You haven't called me that since 6th grade." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm gonna start it up again. I like it." She admitted.


"But we really need to find her, I'm scared." She said.

"Baby trust me we'll find her. I'll help you." He promised.


Can I get some feedback on this story? I'm not sure if you guys like it.

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