Chapter three

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I've chosen to give Wesley some space. After him telling me why he is the way he is, I started to think of him differently. It's not his personality that's quiet, it's his illness. That somehow makes me even more interested in him. There's a completely different Wesley in there that no one has seen before. I'm determined to see who that is.

I walk into class and avoid looking to the back where I know that certain blue eyed boy is staring at me already.

I sit down at my desk instead of going to see him and wait anxiously for the bell to ring. I want this hour to go by fast.

After a grueling 5 minutes of hell and severe hand sweat, the bell rings and Miss Taylor walks into the room with that fake smile plastered on her face.

"Good morning class, I hope you all got a nice start on your projects last night, they'll be due this Friday."

It's Tuesday today.

"You'll get more class time to work on it on Thursday, but as for today and Wednesday, we have to go over a new lesson. Everyone please pull out your notebooks." she says, and just like that, class begins.


I walk into the cafeteria with a million thoughts on my brain. I sit down at my table and smile at my friends who all watch me carefully.

"What's the deal with you and that weird kid?" asks Tanner and I shoot him a look as does everyone else at the table.

"Don't listen to him Anika. He just doesn't like you having another guy friend that's not him or Jacob." says Sadie while giving him the cold shoulder. Sadie and him have had a thing since the beginning of time. The badass girl and the guy who likes to think he's a badass. Her cold shoulder has more control on him than he thinks.

"I think he's cute. You should invite him over to the table one day." says Anna and she twirls her pretty blonde hair between her fingers as she stares at him from her seat. For some reason that pisses me off, her looking at him like that.

"Stop." I tell her quietly and she looks at me confused before her eyes light up. Oh god. "No, no." I tell her pointing my finger at her making sure she keeps those thoughts to herself. She opens her mouth to speak, but I'm not gonna let her. "Anna I'm serious please don't." No longer amused, she nods her head and returns back to her tray.

"Just so you know though. You'd be cute." she says quietly so the others don't hear.

"It's not like that."

"Not yet at least."

Not able to handle the awkwardness anymore, I get up to go fill my water bottle at the water fountains near the cafeteria doors.

For her to even think that it could go there is just bizarre. I don't even know Home we shared on moment, one day, and he left my damn house immediately after. There's no way there's ever going to be anything there. I wouldn't want it anyway.


I walk through the doors of my house and go set my things down in the office. I feel myself becoming so nervous that I begin to pace.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I got home late so now he should be here any minute. Giving me no time to calm down before he gets here and try to figure out why I'm being so weird.

I'm assuming it's the thought of losing the house roaming in the back of my head. It feels like we're not going to keep this place, and it feels like YM world is crashing. I silently curse my father in my head wanting him to just show up. I want him to save the day for us, but that would require me to see him, and that's not exactly something I want to do.

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