Chapter twenty nine

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~ press play on the song and sit back and enjoy a lovely chapter between my two favorite characters. As always, thanks for reading this far. You are always appreciated.

My feet are taking me far, but my eyes are completely shut. Wesley's hands cover my eyes and his head rests against mine. He's had me blind for a solid 20 minutes ever since we got out of the car.

"Can I at least get a clue? I could barely see anything where we parked. I thought we were only going shopping." I tell him, and I can feel him smile.

"Well, I lied."

"No shit. Can you at least give me a hint?" I beg and my feet begin to take smaller steps.

"Why would I give you a hint if we're already here?"  he says to me as his hands drop, and my eyes reluctantly open.

Before me is my English room. It's normal desks aligned perfectly in rows are not there. The floor is open and bare. It's exposed. The space seems to be bigger than I ever thought it could be. The one thing that catches my eyes even more than the lack of desks is the stringed lights that hang from the ceiling. Single strands  that fall low across the classroom. It adds a special personality to this room that I never even knew it was capable of.

It's magic.

"Wesley.. what is this?" I ask him as I turn to meet his already staring eyes. His eyes shine in such a way that seems to take my breath away. I can see the reflection of the lights in the blue of his eyes.

He pulls a folded blanket from behind him that I didn't even know was there. He steps closer into the classroom, leaving me at he door, and he spreads the blanket flat onto the ground in the middle of the room. He turns around and faces me, but he stands directly on the blanket in the middle of the empty space.

Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful site. My love standing in the middle of a twinkling room. I'm star struck.

"In this very room, I met the love of my life. With a name as unique as her, Anika Rogers took my breath away for the first time. There would be so many times after that where she would do the same. In this room I saw her eyes for the first time. In this room I heard her voice for the first time, and I promise you there has never been a more beautiful sound to come out of another human than the sound of your laugh. You are my love. I almost lost you, too. I am no longer scared to say that I love you, and I have been in love with you for a long time. I know things are really messed up right now, but can you just take a minute to see that no matter how much shit comes into our life I will stand still. I will not move.  You are the perfect woman for me, and I intend to tell you that every day."

A single tear slides down my cheek, and I suddenly cant speak. I just shake my head as more tears follow the first, and I walk up to him and place my lips gently on his.

"You are my everything and more." I whisper to him, and he smiles and kisses my forehead as I fall into him.

We collapse on the blanket, and my head rests on his chest as he holds me tight.

"So... how in the hell did you pull this off?" I ask him with a hard laugh. His laughter chimes in right after mine.

"Let's just say, Miss Taylor has a soft spot for romance." His comment makes me lift my head and look at him in complete disbelief.

"That witch actually let you do this?" I ask, and he looks at me and smiles.

"She seems to like the idea that it was her pairing us up that started all of this."

"Makes it kind of hard to hate her." I tell him as I lean in close to him.

"It really does." he says quietly as he closes the gap and presses his lips onto mine. The gentle brush sweeps me in every way, and I fall into him. I am the safest I will ever be in this moment.

Not even my parents could mess this moment up. Not a car wreck. Not a coma. Not all the unlucky chances in the world can take away from the fact that I love him. I really really do. The movie kind. Kiss you in the rain and have you sweep me off my feet kind of love.

I'm different. I'm not the same person I was a few months ago. People come in your life fast. They come in when you least expect them. The best ones are always the people that were sitting under your nose. In your English class. It takes one chance for things to completely turn upside down. One. One random paired partner in class. One decision to be friends. One kiss. One tear to blur your vision and completely derail you. One person to completely change you.

I am different now even though I have been broken. I am full. I am full of love and hope for everything we have coming because I know, I've got him. I've got him forever.

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