Chapter twenty three

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Anika's POV
When you love someone, it becomes difficult to see them as anything other than beautiful. Inside and out. Suddenly all of their insecurities become so breathtaking to you. Awkward turns into adorable and flaws turn into beautiful quirks. All because I love this guy. I find that so twisted.

He was just the quiet boy from the back of the class. How did we even get here?

I'm laying in a hospital bed right now, unable to move. Which means I can not move my eyelids open to see him. I can hear him, and I know he's right beside me. I can faintly hear his voice every once in awhile telling me he's sorry and that he does love me.

I wish I could smile.

I wish I could tell him thank you.

I wish I could say i love you too.

I'm not exactly sure how long it's been. The talk between my mother and the doctor is close to meaningless. I don't know what's being said exactly but from what I do understand, I believe I'll be okay.

Today, I can feel his hand holding mine. Like a warm comfort.

"Morning beautiful. We gonna wake up today?" I can hear him ask me.

I'd like to. Can't you see it's harder than that?

"No pressure. I do know that your mom has been making a lot of calls today, so I'd expect some relatives to show up soon. Everyone just wants to make sure you're oka-"

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I hear my mother exclaim. For a second I believe the sudden shock will wake me up, but it takes me back a bit. Is she talking to Wesley?

"She has been lying in this hospital bed for three days. Three days!! And you.. you've done nothing. I had to search for this number. Call your damn assistant after she lied to me about where you were."

My mother's voice is always calm. She has a way with words. She can calm down an infant at the absence of a mother and I've always known that's why she's so good with kids. It's her voice. Like this beautiful angel.

Now imagine this said beautiful voice to lose its charm and somehow shift into something darker. A voice with pain. She uses this one only when she means it. In all my life I've only had a few experiences where I have witnessed my mother like this. It's only ever been with one person.

"She's your daughter! What is so wrong with you that you can not see just how serious this is? She could've died! Her boyfriend is here showing more support than you ever did. Go to hell. Show up for her or so help me God, I will track you down and drag you to this hospital myself. You piece of shit."

There's silence. I'm not sure how many people fill my room, but I know that it's quiet now. There's no noise. All that's here is the sound of my mother crying, and the touch of Wesley's hand growing tighter. Probably praying I didn't hear any of that.

I can feel his thumb rub circles around my hand that he continues to hold so tight, and even though I know I can't I want to smile so badly right now. I am in a hospital bed, and I am somehow the happiest I have ever been.

"Mrs. Rogers, are you okay?" I hear him ask her.

"No I'm not. I don't understand how someone does this.. if you have a child, you should be there for them. Especially at a time like this."

I hear her footsteps exit the room in a hurry. Probably to get a drink. She always drinks coffee when she's stressed. I guess this moment in time would definitely count as such.

"Anika, it might be time to wake up right about now."

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