Chapter thirteen

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How do you dress for a boxing match? How does one look cute but also ready to be in a grungy room with sweaty men? Damn who am I kidding, sounds like a dream I would have.

I look at my closet overflowing with clothes, and go for the simplest t-shirt I can find. My army green tee and I pull out a pair of skinny jeans to go with it. I grab my tennishoes and slip them on and let my hair fall over my shoulders.

I start downstairs and head outside to my car, fully ready to have a complete panic attack at the thought of being with him tonight.

I guess I won't be with him so to say. He will be in a ring getting punched or doing the punching. Maybe a little of both, I'm excited for all of it to be honest.

The drive is shorter than I thought it'd be. It's exactly like it was last time, but I guess I just zoned out for the majority of the ride.

I have to yank open the big metal door, that's rusting at the bottom, and the familiar smell of gym equipment and sweat fills my nose.

I turn the dark corner and I'm faced immediately by Wesley who almost runs me over in his jacket and shorts on. I'm surprised that he's right here. I mean, I literally just walked through the doors and here he is.

"Hey you came!" he says excitedly and for the very first time, without being scared or red in the face at all, he hugs me.

This boy straight up hugs me.

All by himself.

"Uhh. Hi! You seem excited for tonight." I tell him, and he looks at me and nods.

"Yeah I am." This is around the time that I want to grab him and lay my hands on his chest and kiss his incredibly sexy lips. Instead, I smile, and keep my oh so horny feelings to myself.

"Well I gotta go get ready, but you can take a seat right there next to the ring." he says pointing to a row of fold up chairs lined up behind the ring. There's maybe one other person there that looks to be a large burly man.

It's around now that I realize that this is totally not my scene at all.

"Ok sounds good, good luck Wesley." I tell him and he smiles at me in the cutest possible way before we part.

I take a seat and wait anxiously for the fight to begin. I'm not really sure what to expect for tonight.


It's been half an hour and finally, the lights seem to dim in the entire gym, but there's one head light that hangs above the ring seeming to brighten up that and only that.

A guy steps in, without a shirt may I add, and my heart stops. The boy is vey attractive with his light eyes and shaggy blonde hair. He looks like he's maybe 17 or 18 years old. Definitely in high school. He's supposed to go up against Wesley.

Just when my eyes were focused on the good looking man, Wesley steps into the light. Without a shirt. I'm sorry but I feel like I have to repeat myself. Without a shirt. His body is beautifully tan, and his shorts are so loose that I can easily pull them down if I wanted to. Dirty thoughts, dirty thoughts. I must get that in check.

There's a single bell that goes off, and I suppose that signals that the fight begins because Wesley shakes the hand of the blonde boy, and they begin to circle each other in an ape like matter. It almost makes me laugh, but I hold it in.

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