Chapter seventeen

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I wake up, sunlight beating down on my cheeks, the warmth comforting me in my sleep.

Something that doesn't feel too nice, the incredible headache I currently have. My head is pounding with every heartbeat and even though I am fully aware that I am laying down, I feel very dizzy.

My eyes reluctantly start to open, and I feel so.. so.. crusty. Like everything on my face is stiff and gross. My hair is in knots, I can feel some of it sticking to my head. I smell something awful, and I'm almost positive it's my breath. I know my makeup is still on. I have no memory of taking that off.

Speaking of memory, I can't recall a single thing that happened last night. I remember walking into Sadie's house, and the rest is blurry.

I have got to wake up, I don't even know where I am.

My eyes finally open, my eyelashes sticking to each other may I add, and I see a figure before me. A guy. Everything is still blurry, so I can't quite make out the face, but my clothes are still on, so I didn't do anything.

Finally my bison starts to clear up, and I can see the person clear as day now. And let me tell you as soon as my mind processes who it is, I find myself jumping right here in bed.


His eyes are shut tight, and his mouth is slightly open, little puffs of air escaping every few seconds. His hair is a mess on top of his head. He looks so beautiful right now.

For a moment I forget to question his presence because why do it? I haven't been this close to him in so long. Not since we kissed. Not since we kissed and he stopped talking to me.

I don't want to ruin it. I want him to love me the way I love him. I want him to think of me the way I think of him. I want to be with him the way I've always dreamed of.

I just want a few more seconds of happiness before he wakes up and this whole thing is explained because I don't remember a thing from last night.

At this point I'm not sure if I even want to.

Suddenly his eyes start to open, and I feel the panic start to set in. I become extremely fearful as to what's about to come next. What is he going to say? What is he going to tell me that I said?

His eyes fully open now, and they look dead at me. I can feel the warmth rush to my face and I know I'm turning red. Do I want an explanation? Or do I just let him leave? Is he even going to leave?

"Morning." I say to him, but he gives no response. He doesn't say a word back, his eyes just look at me. His eyes are tired, and his face is long. He looks upset when he looks at me. Sadness written all over his face. As if he wants to say some things, but he can't, so the silence remains. But surely not if I can help it.

"What happened last night?" I finally ask. And as I do, he starts to get up, out from under the covers we share, on his own two feet. Me, I am too weak to even move right now.

"You were drunk." he says as he grabs his keys out of his pocket, and runs a hand through his hair. His back is towards me.

"Well no shit." I say as I sit up straight, leaning my back against the headboard. The headache is ten times worse than it was a few minutes ago. I should've just stayed laying down. "I mean, what happened?" I ask him, and he continues to keep his back towards me.

"You were drunk, and Sadie called me to come help." he says, and he starts towards the door as if he's actually going to leave after saying just that.

"Wesley wait." I say, feeling more confused than ever. Is that really all he's going to say?

"Yes I was drunk. I would think that's true considering the massive headache I currently have right now and the fact that I can't remember anything from last night. But I don't get it, Sadie called you? She knows we aren't talking anymore." I say, and as soon as the last sentence leaves my mouth, his eyes look up to meet mine. The feeling I get is similar to cold water being poured down my back.

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