Chapter twenty seven

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In the midst of chaos, what do you do? Do you stand still and wait for the punch to hit you, or do you take action? What choice would you make?


"Mom, what is dad talking about?" I ask without a single regard for all the family watching. For Danny's sake I should let this be discussed later, but I can't seem to put it down.

"Anika please." She says to me in a begging tone. Why don't I want to listen?

"No, I want to know. I'm so sick of this back and forth someone just tell me the truth."

My grandparents slowly enter the room. They look at my father like he's a zoo animal and it's their first trip. In complete and utter aw. It's been years since anyone has seen him. Now in this setting, me screaming at my parents, we all get to see the show.

"Why don't you tell her?" my father asks my mom. His tone is belittling and it makes me sick. My mom's head swiftly turns to look at him, and I feel my chest begin to ache.

"Shut your mouth." She says in a warning tone. In my whole life I have never heard her as on edge as she is right now. This only intrigues me more.

"Somebody just say it!" I scream so loud that the room goes dead silent. Not a single noise is to be made.

Danny stands beside the island looking at mom and dad, unable to fully process the sight he is seeing.

"I left for a reason, Anika." he tells me. The overall vibe of the room cools down, and I feel my shoulders slump.

"Why?" I ask, tears threatening to fall.

"Your," he starts but he looks down at Danny.
"Can someone please get Danny out of here?" He asks, the irritation clear in his voice.

My grandparents are quick to step in without a word. They take his hand and lead him upstairs to his room where I'm sure they'll play with him.

He's too young for all of this. This shouldn't be his problem. He should be worrying about what crayon to use for his drawings. He shouldn't have to worry about his parent's problems. Dad coming back must've confused him all by itself, but now this?

"Go on." My voice, that was once filled with power, is now small and timid. I want to know the answer. I want the answers that I've been seeking. I feel like I've earned the right to know, but now I'm starting to feel like ignorance really is bliss.

"I cheated." blurts out my mother before my father can. I feel my jaw slightly drop, and my chest sinks all the way down to the floor. It's like a sudden weight has dropped on my chest with no intention on moving. It's made home next to my heart where the biggest break has ever occurred.

"You what?" I ask her, my voice breaking.

"I cheated on your father, and he left us. I didn't know how to say it. I guess.... I guess I just didn't want to be the one everyone blamed." she cries.

My father is silent. Almost as if reliving the memories makes him sick.

"I just never thought you'd be the one to do that." I say as I shake my head.

I feel a hand rest on my mid back,, and I know it's Wesley. I actually forgot he was here. His head lowers and his lips fall right beside my ear.

"How about we go upstairs to cool down?" he suggests lightly, and as I'm staring at the two people who made me, I can't imagine wanting to look at them any longer.

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