Chapter 17

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Me: ' It happened at Conor's V.I.P party'

Mum: 'Oh dear the one you went to a few weeks ago?'

Me: 'Yeah'

Mum: 'Normally in these situations I would forbid you to have any contact with the boy but since it's Shawn and he has mone-'

Me:'MUM, that's so bloody rude'

Mum: 'I'm kidding darling, I wouldn't forbid you no matter who it was, you and that boy no matter who it would of been you two deserve a chance to be happy'

Me: 'Thanks mum but I don't think me and Shawn will happen'

Mum: 'You never know darling😉'

And with that she walked out of my room.
I knew exactly what she meant but I don't believe her.

I just went for a nap after that because this pregnant thing was really getting to me and I was tired af. A few hours later I awoke to my mum calling me for supper, somehow I was more tired now then I was when I first went to sleep but anyways I had all day tomorrow to sleep it off. I had my tea and it was so delicious because it was my favourite thing which was shredded chicken and chips!

I went back up to room and I made a group chat on Snapchat with Maisie, Camilla and myself and I knew it would be lit af bruh.
I text them and before it became a laugh I said 'Girls this is serious, what is going to happen when my bump starts showing in school?, am I going to be called the slut of the school?' Camilla was the first to reply because she is literally never off snapchat, she took ages to reply though but she still was first and Maisie was right after her. Here was Camilla's text:

'Brooke, stop being silly. There will be hoes who will call you a slut but you're the furthest thing from it. You didn't mean to get pregnant, you are beautiful and I love you so much sweetheart, you shouldn't let anyone bring you down. You've got you're parents, you've got me, you've got Maisie and you've got Shawn and we all love you, head up my beautiful girl!'

Maisie's was: 'Brooke we all love you, forget the bullies, you're so amazing and you're gonna be an amazing mum. Girls will just be jealous that you got pregnant by Shawn Mendes. I love you bestfriend'

I began crying happy tears, they were both so nice to me, how did I get so lucky? I text them back one thing and one thing only 'You guys are the best.' They sent hearts back. That's when my phone beeped again, 'Hello the soon to be mother of my child' I read at the top of my notifications so I was cheeky and texted back 'Hello Baby Daddy😉 or so you like to call yourself' I got another reply 'You are cheeky aren't you', 'Wouldn't you know I am' I said back. He text me again 'Goodnight Brooke'
'Goodnight Shawn' I text back and so it was left at that.

I couldn't help but smile my way to sleep and suddenly I began to realise I was falling for him.

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