Chapter 21

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He walked over to me and my jaw was still dropped. He grabbed me by the hand and made me walk with him. He didn't say anything nor did I. I couldn't understand why he was here or what was the package but I guess I was about to find out. We got back to his car and he put me in the backseat and sat In with me and then

HE BEGAN KISSING ME. I kissed him back but then I said


'Shawn we shouldn't do this'
Shawn: 'Brooke I've been a jerk okay, it wasn't you're fault you had a boyfriend, it's mine for having sex with you in the first place, I should of been more responsible, we both should of' he sighed.

Okay so that hurt. 'It's mine for having sex with you in the first place' what did that mean? So I had to ask him. Who am I kidding? I was gonna confront him.

Me: 'No Shawn. Okay you do not get to do this'
Shawn: 'Do wha-?'

I cut him off.

Me: 'You're damn right you've been a jerk. Okay but you not get to act like having sex with me was a bad thing because you enjoyed it and I have damn proof if you will. Who the fuck is responsible when there drunk okay? Yes I had a boyfriend but Jesus fucking Christ. What damn difference does it make to you? It's not you're problem. Whether I do or I did because you don't have to deal with it. I was drunk I forgot. I mean you obviously forgot who you were because you would of never had sex with someone like me so don't act like you would of. And don't try to kiss you're way out of this and make me fall to my feet as an apology.' I said as I raised my index finger throughout the whole thing.

He just sighed again.
I began to say 'Really that's all you've got to s' but he cut me off by smashing his lips against mine. I was tempted to kiss back but I didn't. Instead I pulled out and said:

Shawn: ' I have okay I have but please just trust me and I'll explain later' I sighed and rolled my eyes and I'm pretty sure he took that as a yes because with that,
his lips smashed against mine again and he cupped my cheeks with his hands leaving my hands sitting on the seat which was pretty awkward so I decided it was best if I put mine around his neck. Which I did. Although I'm not sure why because I had so many damn emotions and damn feelings and damn thoughts going through my head but yet all I was doing was kissing Shawn. The kiss got more and more passionate each minute that went by but also each minute that went by, I wanted him a little more, the kiss got intense and rough not long after it got passionate and before I knew it I was sitting on his lap, while he pulled me in closer with his hands on my waist. I could feel him pulling away from my lips slowing making his way down to my neck where he left lovebites but at that stage I didn't care but I knew I would later. I let a small moan escape from me and I didn't mean to. I'm not sure where it came from because I didn't even know I was feeling turned on. Okay I probably did know but like I said I had so many emotions and feelings going through my head I wasn't sure what I was feeling. But Shawn didn't seem to care that I let out a small moan because all he said was 'Did you like that darling?' With a smirk. I giggled shyly. He kissed me one last time on the lips. And then said 'You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that'

Me: 'What? You've been waiting to do that? For how long? Why? I thought you hated me and I thought you hated me even more after today?'

Shawn: 'Brooke I'm going to explain everything now, I promise.'

Me: 'Okay'

Shawn: 'I said having sex with you was a mistake to see what you would say about it, because I was hoping you wouldn't think it was a mistake , Also I never hated you. In fact I loved spending time with you, I never carry around that many body guard with me and the only reason I had that many with me when you were with me is because I didn't want people annoying you or bombarding you with questions. The only reason I got annoyed with you today about Jace is because we'll it's because, ugh here it goes Brooke, I Love you Brooke Morgan. Like I can't stop thinking about you since we did it. That is the reason for everything. I thought you had a boyfriend since after we did it and you never told me. That's the reason for what just happened because I was just craving you. Brooke I'm not expecting you to feel the same way but I had to get it off my chest'

Me: 'Shawn I love you. I didn't know how to tell you because I didn't think you'd feel the same way. I tried to distract myself. If I'm gonna be completely honest I had forgotten about Jace tbh and I just i fell for you, I don't know how or why but I did.'

Shawn: 'Really Brooke?'

Me: 'Really Shawn'

Shawn: 'I'm so glad you feel the same way. So I was wondering do you wanna be my girlfriend?'

Me: 'I'd love to Shawn'

And with that he kissed me, grabbed my hand and took me out of the car and we walked off away from the park. Not sure where we were going but it didn't matter then.

Hey lovelies!! This chapter was over 1000 words long!! I had so much fun writing this chapter and I hope you all love it💓💓 Bye xo

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