Chapter 7

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You're friends looked at you like you had 10 heads. 'why aren't you excited?' They asked, you decided to play normal, 'you know I don't like Shawn Mendes' you said. 'Yes we know that but this is you're chance to start' they smartly replied, 'why should I like him' I said, 'he's gorgeous an amazing singer that's why' Maisie said 'Do you know how many girls want to be with him? How many imagines there are of doing it with him? On wattpad? Do you know?' Camilla added. And that's when it happened, it all replayed in you're mind again, Camilla was right, there was so many girls out there that would give for that chance and you had it and you ran away after it. Nice one Brooke. So you decided to man up and get over that face and said with a smile 'sure I'll go'. 'Awesome' they girls said at the same time with a smile on there face. 'Okay cool, I've got to get to class now, see you later xoxo' you said just to please them. 'Byeeeeee' they shouted.

You're first class was maths. 'I hate maths' you thought to yourself in you're head before the class started. And that's when it hit you, you completely forgot that Jace had this class with you and sat beside you you. You had to be prepared to face him, so you fixed you're hair, put you're finger on the edge of you're lip and opened you're mouth a little bit while having you're elbow slanted on the table, he walked in and boy you were not prepared for this.
          --Description Time--
           His hair was tight and gelled and he was wearing a black hoodie with a black leather jacket over it, his headphones round his neck and his hand in his black jeans pocket, with his black converse. He always loved black. Black was his favourite colour and he was always rocking it. How is it that the one time you weren't speaking to him really he looked the best you'd ever seen him look?

You knew one thing for sure, this wasn't going to be a non distracting maths class, he walked towards you naturally enough because his seat was beside you but he did the complete opposite and lifted you out of you're seat, sat you on the table, gr...

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You knew one thing for sure, this wasn't going to be a non distracting maths class, he walked towards you naturally enough because his seat was beside you but he did the complete opposite and lifted you out of you're seat, sat you on the table, grabbed you're face and kissed you. WHAT?!

                         --Author speaking--
Hey lovelies sorry this chapter was short but I had to end it here to keep you in suspense 😉  i am sorry about my past chapters being so short but I'm working on them to make them longer. All the love xoxo

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