Chapter 8

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I was sitting at my desk on my chair and next thing I know my boyfriend who I'm not on the best of terms with grabs me sits me on the desk and kisses me? Where's the logic in that!?
I was about to stop him but I couldn't, something inside of me told me not to and I'm not sure why but I just wanted to keep kissing him and his hands to be on my body, I didn't know why though and I knew this was so inappropriate because we were meant to be in math class but my damn teacher never shows up, nothing more happened then kissing and I'm damn well glad because it was bloody math class and half my year was there.
When we finally stopped he gave me one last peck and held my hand and whispered in my ear something that made me shiver but the hairs stand up on the back of my neck 'if you think it's inappropriate then you shouldn't see what I'd do if we're not in school' while smirking and I didn't know what I was feeling, I guess most of you would argue horny but was I feeling scared either? Jace and I have never done anything more then kiss because we didn't feel ready, and one week ago it's like we're just a normal couple and nice people but now it's like we're the most popular people in school but we're the bitches you'd expect us to be and that I'm the mean girl who hates on everybody but I'm not I wasn't sure what was going on.

Ten minutes later my teacher finally decided to show up and when he did the bell rang and I went straight to the secretary and signed out saying that I was feeling sick, which wasn't a complete lie, I was feeling sick, sick to my stomach. What had just happened? But on top of all that my stomach was actually hurting and when I got home I vomited everywhere and I don't know why? I might just stay at home tomorrow and see how I get on there because I can't face school right now..

2 hours later I woke up I had obviously fell asleep and I had 20 missed calls from Maisie and Camilla, no doubt it's about what happened today. I just ignored it and ordered in Chinese because I really didn't feel like going out. After my Chinese I went to bed I was so tired and for some reason I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting shortness of breath, god I'm so unfit. *Authors Note* || she's says she's unfit, I say she's pregnant😉||
**Back to Brooke's Pov**

The next day:
I woke up this morning and decided that I wasn't going to go to school that I'd out go into town and grab some shopping because there was honestly nothing in it to eat and i really didn't feel like ordering in again. I went to put on my bra and oh my god it was a battle to put it on, my boobs were so sore and I'm not sure why?

**Authors Note**
All of these things are signs of early pregnancy
Just incase you wondering, in the next 1-3 chapters, Brooke will realise she pregnant. And you will get to make a choice😉

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