Freed and Laxus

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When it becomes painfully obvious that Freed is Gay and likes Laxus a little too much😆 Credit to owner of this photo.

Freed: hey Laxus

Laxus: what's up Freed

Freed: I have a question for you

Laxus: What is it?

Freed: Well there's this person in the guild that I really like and their birthday is coming up...

Laxus: Hey my birthday is on Friday!

Freed: Well I don't know what to give them what do you think they would like?

Laxus: I don't know

--User WIZARDWORDZ_LOVES_LAXUS has joined the chat--

Bickslow: Hey Laxus, Hey Freed

Laxus: Who's WizardWordz?


Laxus: Oh,

Bickslow: wasn't me 😆


Laxus: Freed come back man

Laxus: Man its okay it's not that big a deal

  --User  My_Katana_waz_Made_4_Bickslows_Throat has    re-joined the chat--

Freed: I'm back...😡

Laxus: Freed it's okay man I love you 2

Freed: Really?

Laxus: Yeah


Laxus: but not like that...

Freed: 😭 (Caves inward)

Laxus: dude I'm with Mira


          ---User LIGHTNING_BOLTZ has left the chat----

Freed: now I'm all alone.....wait Laxus you never answered my question! What do you want for your birthday?

Freed: Laxus?

( Freed goes to Fairy Tail to the Bar to get drunk cause he's sad but won't let Mira get his beer for him, yelling at her everytime she tries to help that she's just a replacement, this continues until Mira starts to cry and Elfman gets pissed off and beats Freed up)
Next day:

Laxus: Dude you were so drunk last night, I ashamed to call you my "best buddie"

Freed: I didn't

Laxus: yes man you did.

Freed: did I do anything stupid?

Laxus: well let's see...

Laxus: you told Juvia that Gray hates her so it's started raining outside, and Juvia flooded the guild. After we got her to stop crying you pushed her out the door into the rain yelling "go young raindrop and join your friends!"

Freed: Oh god....

Laxus: then you preceded to throw garbage at Erza who was wearing her new armor saying that it looked like a dirty garbage can (A/N Sorry garbage pun) and you pratically died after getting beaten up so badly, luckily Wendy was there.
This was after you made Mira cry and Elfman beat you up.

Freed: I'm gonna crawl into a hole, could you ask the celestial mage to lend me Virgo for an hour or two....

Laxus: why?

Freed: I heard she's good at digging.....

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