Levy and Gajeel

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Here's another chapter! This was one of the best GaLe photos I have ever seen! Credit to all the artists who's work I've been using thank you for all the work (fan art) you do for us fangirls (and boys)!!!!!

Levy: so Umm just making sure, back in uhh episode 212 you didn't hear what I said for the last question on the game show, right?

Gajeel: for the last time no I didn't, why was it something important?

Levy: no, just wanted to make sure.....

Gajeel: well if that's it shrimp I'm gonna get back to training with Lily.

Levy: Gajeel I need your help....

Gajeel: ask someone else, how about those two idiots you hang around with, what are their names again, Jest and Deploy?

Levy: Jet and Droy?

Gajeel: yeah get them to help ya

Levy: they can't help me, well Droy could but he's out of town....

Gajeel: then why are you asking me for help?

Levy: because all the tall, nice guys are on jobs...

Gajeel: then use- wait why TALL?

Levy: no particular reason....

Gajeel: what is it pipsqueak is something you need is on a high shelf, a book maybe?

Levy: well sort of...

Gajeel: what does that mean?

Levy: well I was climbing a tall ladder to get my favorite book down...and when I stepped onto the book balcony the ladder rolled away, so I'm stuck up here...

Gajeel: Oh so YOUR stuck on the high shelf...gihi

Levy: it's not funny.

Gajeel: how long have you been up there any way?

Levy: since yesterday

Gajeel: really! Why didn't you text someone earlier?!

Levy: cause my phone died and the sun had already gone down..

Gajeel: what would the sun have to do with anything that regards your dead phone? How are you texting me then if it's dead?

Levy: my phone is solar powered so I had to wait for the sun to come back up to charge it then I waited about 4 hours while it charged and then I texted everyone I new but they were all busy you are my last resort.....

Gajeel: I'm on my way

Levy: Oh thank god

Gajeel: I'm at the library in the basement where r u?

Levy: go straight the turn right, keep going till you see the door with a star on it go in it, turn left and look up

Gajeel: wow that's high...

Levy: I know....

Gajeel: okay jump, I'll catch you


Gajeel: I'll catch you

Levy: you better or I'll come back from the dead and kill you for revenge!!!

*Levy jumps and Gajeel catches her, but he falls backwards!
Levy blushes a red that could put Erza's hair to shame*

Levy: This is awkward...

Gajeel: your kinda cute when you blush

Levy: really?

Gajeel: No, now forget this even happened it's embarrassing!
Next day...

Levy: thank you again for helping me yesterday!

Gajeel: Why are you texting me Shrimp, I have work to do...


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