Part Two

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Yes part two is here! I'm excited to get this started! Once again I love taking requests and remember if you requests something I will tag you in my book!

And yes, I was so lazy that I didn't feel like creating a whole entire new book, with a new cover, new description, tags, and a lot more.

But you know what! I just started grade 8 so I'm ready to get back to this book! And I look forward to bringing in more characters like Ichiya, Eve, Jenny, Yukino, blue Pegasus, sabertooth, all the exceeds, cross overs too!

Any cross over ideas let me know!

I also want to do some edolas chats i think it would be cool!

I'm sorry this isn't a chapter! I can't wait till I hit 1000 reads!

*is fangirling so much has fallen on floor and is laughing/crying/screaming/ect.*

Shout out to those of you who just started school! Today was my first day of school (Sept 5th) and I saw a girl with a Scouting regiment back pack from Attack on titan and I just went up to her (I didn't know her) and I said that I loved her bag and that I approved of her back pack choice, that and she was officially my favourite person of the day.....

Then I screamed and freaked her out.... whoops.

Ok, I'll get those chapters out to you guys! Love yall and see you soon!

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