Mira and Laxus

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Mira: hey Laxus!

Laxus: miraaaaaaaaa stop texting me.

Mira: what?

Laxuz: I'm sick. And my notifications are so loud.

Mira: Oh, who's taking care of you?

Laxus: what?

Mira: Who's taking care of you?

Laxus: I'm fine, I don't need anyone to take care of me.

Mira: hold on I'm just texting Kinana to see if she can take my shift at the guild right now.

Laxus: Mira you don't need to do that. I'm serious! I'm fine, I can take care of myself.

Mira: She'll be here in 15 minutes. Then I'll stop at my house to pack an overnight bag.

Laxus: OVERNIGHT?!? What do you mean!?!

Mira: well if I'm going to take care of you I'm going to have to rub my magic ointment on your chest every hour.

Laxus: r-rub something on my chest! Every hour!

Mira: if you don't want me to do it I'll let you do it yourself.

Laxus: No no no that's fine! You can rub ointment on my chest!

Mira: okay then, Kinana's here. I'll just stop at my house and pack my stuff, and then I'll stop at the store to buy some more medicine.

Laxus: see you soon I think the doors unlocked. I can't remember if I locked it or not. But if it's locked the keys in a small compartment on the back of the mailbox.

Mira: okay 💟 you mine as well get in your pj's but don't but don't put your shirt on yet cause the second I enter your house I'm rubbing ointment on your chest.

Laxus: that's fine with me.

Mira: alright I'm at my house I'll text you when I leave.

Laxus: okay can't wait.

Thanks I hope you like my 'somewhat' inappropriate Miraxus 😜😀 I luv you guys. I think that if I don't get any requests I'm going to end the book in the next chapter.

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