Lucy and Natsu

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Sorry if this opening spoils stuff....but it's my favorite opening for fairy tail......I do not own this song!

Natsu: come on luce I didn't mean it!

Read one minute ago

Natsu: luce, you still love me! You know it, I know it, the whole guild knows it!

Read 4 minutes ago

Natsu: LUCY!!!!!

message ignored

Natsu: ....fine if you wanna be like that! Then I won't talk either!

Lucy: Wait Natsu! Sorry I didn't have a good enough wifi connection to text you back!

Natsu: you ignored one of my messages! Explain that!

Lucy: My Phone DIED!!!!!!!!!

Natsu: Oh, well then maybe you should have texted me that you couldn't text me or that your phone died!

Lucy: I couldn't!!!!!!

Natsu: well maybe you could have tried!

Lucy: I did try! That's what I was telling you!

Natsu: jeez, luce you don't have to yell!

Lucy: This Is Officially The Stupidest Argument We've Ever Had!!!

Natsu: hey luce, do you have any food?

Lucy: why?

Natsu: because we ran out of food this morning and I don't see any in your house!

Lucy: we went on a job yesterday! Don't tell me you already spent all of the reward money! And WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!

Natsu: Well, we need food!

Lucy: I'm out shopping now.....what do you want?

Natsu: Roast chicken, baked potatoes, gravy, fish, cherry pie, cake, turkey, pancakes, chocolate, ice cream, soup, apples, chesse,peanut butter, carrots, popcorn, pizza,beef, spaghetti,
And anything else you can find that's edible!

Lucy: are you kidding me! That's a whole grocery list I need food for myself too!

Natsu: well than just leave out the gravy

Lucy: Ughhhhh you and your stomach!


Natsu: Luce? When will my food get here?

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