Gildarts and Cana

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Gildarts: Hey sweetheart, I'm coming by the guild want to spend some quality time together as father and daughter?

Cana: I'm unqzunggutrqdw267271wi-th Bac€us, we*re havvn drin17king $_€ontes_t srry
(I'm with Bacchus we're having a drinking contest, sorry)

Gildarts: you shouldn't drink so much, it will ruin your face..

Cana: agghdv¥Makkavvor$#stooole mesz boooooozzzzeeeee givy bckrn$?¡¿|•
(ahh Makarov stole my booze give it back right now!)

Gildarts: are you okay?

Cana: ssluuurre,,, yap me''s gooodss ( sure, yes I'm good)

Gildarts: hold on I'm texting Levy, she'll pick you up in ten minutes to go home.

Cana: teelll er 22 brinmnng m e a nnewws zzhhhirtzz pluese
(Tell her to bring me a new shirt please)

Gildarts: Why?

Cana: welllsz,,,':" Freeeeeeeedz wazssz uzing mys biskinisz tnpos azx a ipatchezs fo & lttlie wheelsies ann'dz n0wwz itszad brkrnz
(Well, Freed was using my bikini top as a eyepatch for a little while and now it's broken...)

Gildarts: Freeds there two! Is he as drunk as you?

Cana: WOrzze!¡¡] sumptin ta do widthe Laxuuuussss...,m rageccctin hhimme ores sumpginz..
(Worse, somthing to do with Laxus re-jecting him or somthing)

Gildarts: Wow... well tell him I'm sending someone over to pick him up too, and Levys bringing you a new shirt!
Don't Worry..

Cana: wazzsnt pleiannezing onsits
(Wasn't planning on it)

Gildarts: ok levy wants to know if you can still walk, or if she has to bring the car.

Cana: teelll erz thactxe iszrneedsdvthe ccaaaaarrrssszzzcefg
therisfl0ts2off frrreeeddzzs ddonccinc orond mesz!&"=!^$
(Tell her that I need the car, there are lots of Freeds dancing around me)

Gildarts: okaaaayyy then she says she'll be there in a minute

Cana: bbuuutttzzsissaawaannasessrttrayy!!"^;*/😮😑😳
(But I wanna stay!)

Gildarts: you can't! You don't even have a shirt on!!! you have to come home!!!

Cana: awwbuttzffweedg issszszuucchhhez a ffuunnzie drunksss!¡}●》
(Aww, but Freed is such a fun drunk!)

Gildarts: too bad! Now Levy is waiting for you outside the guild with a new shirt! And tell Bacchus to knock Freed out, before he hurts himself!

Cana: finnneszzaiejjxn

Cana: weeigghts thaztbmiggahtz besza litltedgrssz haaaarrddszsz!
( wait that might be a little hard!)

Gildarts: why?

Cana: caauuusezzsiiiithinkzzi sseeeezz theszq Freeeeeeeedz onszs thys rooooofff!£#(÷!&?+
(Cause, I think I see Freed on the roof!)

Gildarts: Oh crap......

HEY guys we kinda went back in time to when Laxus rejected Freed and he got drunk only we saw it from Cana point of view! I had so much fun writing this! Now who wants to give me a new combination for the next chapter?
update announcement: I will be posting 1 or more chapters each day but occasionally not on the weekends! But every other day  I WILL post one or more chapters!!!

Love you my fairies

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