Bonus: see what FT character you are

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Hey guys over 375 VIEWS!!!! I'm dying I'm so happy! So this is a quiz to see what Fairy Tail character you are! This Chapter will be for the girls and the next one for boys. Hope you like it! Like this chapter if you do! Let's see if I can get 400 views!
So the question is at the top then you have a combination of answers from A to G. I suggest you keep a peice of paper with you to record your results. You'll need them!

1. Which of these best describes you personality?
   A: Nice

   B: Quiet, Shy

   C: Happy

   D: Depressive

   E: Nonchalant (laid-back)

   F: Confident

   G: Excited

2. What's your favorite color?

   A: Purple

   B: Other

   C: Pink

   D: Blue

   E: Green

   F: Red
   G: Orange

3. Perfect outfit...

   A: Tank top, Ripped jeans, converse

   B: Short-sleeved shirt, Short Shorts, Sandals

   C: Crop-top, Short Skirt, High heels
   D: knee-length dress, boots

   E: Sexy top, Jean jacket, capris, heeled sandals

   F: dressy top, thigh-length skirt, heeled boots

   G: short dress, kitten heels/flats

4. Where do you want your guild mark?

   A: Right hip/thigh

   B: Left arm

   C: Hand

   D: Other

   E: Stomach

   F: Right arm

   G: Shoulder blade

5. Where would you live?

   A: Somewhere close to my family and friends.

   B: Dorm room with a roommate.

   C: Mansion

   D: House

   E: Apartment

   F:  Wherever I want.

   G: Somewhere quiet

6. What type of magic would you like?

   A: Take-over Magic

   B: Dragon Slayer Magic
   C: Celestial Magic

   D: Water Magic

   E: Card Magic

   F: Requip Magic

   G: Solid-Script Magic

7. Favorite Male Fairy tail character

   A: Laxus

   B: Romeo

   C: Natsu

   D: Gray

   E: Loke

   F: Jellal

   G: Gajeel

8. Favorite past-time/Hobby

   A: Shipping your friends

   B: Helping everyone

   C: Writing, hanging with your friends
   D: Stalking your crush, obsessing over you crush

   F: Practicing, training

   G: Reading, Learning

9. Preferred Career

   A: Modeling

   B: Doctor/Nurse

   C: Author

   D: Other

   E: Bartender

   F: Self-defense Teacher

   G: Librarian

10. Answers!
If you got mostly....

A's your a Mirajane, kindhearted yet strick when need be. Always there for your friends and would not know what to do without them. You see the good in ever thing before the bad, you believe that everyone is equal and that love can fix almost everything.

B's your a Wendy, always bright and happy! Hoping to spread joy everywhere. You want to make good on your promises and learn from your mistakes. You use your experience to help others, you really are the ideal friend.

C's your a Lucy, you enjoy spending every moment with your friends but like your alone time too. You creativity flows from you into written words on paper. You know the world is not perfect and that it's difficult out there. But you believe you can overcome everything with the right inspiration and motivation.

D's your a Juvia,  you may be depressive sometimes but you don't let that get in the way of what you love. You enjoy life in general as long as there is something to love. People may criticize you but you pay no attention because you the only opinion that really matters is your own.

E's your a Cana, you try to hide from your problems as long as you can, but when you come face to face with them you pack a punch. You keep yourself in good spirits knowing that everything will be all right. You surround yourself with good people because you know the bad ones aren't worth your time. You inspire others to make the most of life, even when things are as bad as they can get.

F's your a Erza, your a strong independent woman. Yet caring. People admire you for your strength, guts and personality. You bring the best out of people, and most of all you can admit when you need help and when you deserve it. You enjoy seeing people succeed, because it helps you in the long run.

G's your a Levy, your a clever girl and you use your knowledge to your advantage. Reading is your passion, you use the information to help you in your everyday life. You enjoy getting good marks so you work hard to get them. You love your friends and enjoy sharing every detail of your life with them.

Well there you go, if your a boy waiting on the other chapter, sorry it's not done but I'll be working really hard on it so just be patient. Until then, feel free to find out what female character you'd be. 😆
Bye for now my fairies,

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