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"Get the fuck in here." Kyle screeched as Dan passed his room. He was still incredibly hung over, the piercing lights of the school so bright he still had his sunglasses covering his eyes. Protecting them from the harsh lights.

"What the hell man?" Kyle demanded, holding Dan by the shoulders.

"What?" He moaned, feeling Kyle rip off his glasses.

He couldn't help but groan in response to the lighting. Dan could still feel the mixture of the antidepressant and the alcohol in his body.

"What the fuck was that last night?" Kyle yelled, ripping his phone out his back pocket. He quickly tapped it a few times and then shoved the screen in Dan's face. It was screenshots of the comments he left last night, all highlighted in yellow.

He then pulled the phone back, and began reading the comments out loud.

"This sucks more asshole than a gay stripper on coke."

"Did you even try, or have you just given up on life bc me 2"

Oh and here is my personal favorite.

"This motherfucking pic rulez! You keep doing u man"

Kyle looked up from the phone, to Dan, who was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. It wasn't funny, but it was also hilarious.

"You think this is funny?" Kyle asked him, his face red with anger.

Dan nodded his head ever so slightly, letting a small laugh out.

"Well I'm glad because this makes me look bad! The man who I argued for them to hire can't even function as a proper teacher for a week." He laughed, tugging stressfully at his hair.

"Sorry." He mumbled, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him.

"You have one more chance." Kyle sighed, looking into Dan's eyes. His red, bloodshot, swollen eyes that desperately wanted to close.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't in my right mind last night." Dan mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat with the lie. That was him. His nightly routine.

"It's fine I guess. The principal emailed parents saying it was a hack in the system. Please be careful." Kyle warned, placing a hand on Dan's shoulder.

"You seem like a great teacher and a great cool guy. Keep yourself out of trouble." Kyle smiled, hanging Dan a slip of paper.

"I will I promise." Dan smiled, secretly crossing his toes. It wasn't that he didn't want to be a good teacher. But trouble seemed to seek him out.

"Well I gotta get going. I'm so sorry again. I'll see you later."

He then left the room, and began setting up the studio.

This really seems like a mess but I promise you there's a plot

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