twenty seven

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"Hey guys we're the Wombats!" Murph shouted into the microphone, the crowd cheering back. Dan couldn't help but smile. He loved that Murph's band had taken off, selling out major venues even.

"You know him right?" Kyle asked him from the barstool next to him.

"Yeah we were room mates for a while. Quite an ass." Dan laughed to himself, drowning his sprite and ordering another.

He looked to Kyle who was turned to watch the stage, silently sipping on a root beer. It made Dan sad to see him.

They had agreed not to be together. Even after waking up cuddled in the same bed. Kyle wouldn't do it again, too scared to hurt Dan again. And Dan agreed reluctantly, only agreeing after pleading to remain friends.

And so the two were just friends.

"I wanna stop for a second to appreciate the man sitting in the back at the bar! That ass helped me write at least half of the songs, give it up for Dan Smith!" Murph yelled, everyone turning around to face him.

He could feel his cheeks go red.

"You wrote these?" Kyle asked him, his mouth falling open.

"Just a few." He mumbled, embarrassed. He hated taking credit for the songs. All he had done was help Murph write and record some of the original songs off the first album.

"God you're so fucking talented." Kyle muttered, causing for his cheeks to get more red.

As the concert went on the two wondered to the front of the venue where the group of students were, cameras pointed up to the stage.

"So this is our last one. It's a new single off our new album out in a few months. Dan get up here."

Dan could feel all the attention returned to him as he stood next to the stage. Slowly he made his way up to the stage, his students all cheering for him.

"That's my teacher!" Matt yelled everyone laughing.

"This one is another song this bastard helped me write. It's about that one person who comes into your life and gets you addicted, like a drug.  It's about the euphoria and pain, and heartache that come with doomed relationships. Greek Tragedy everybody!" Murph then handed him a microphone.

He took a deep breath listening as the music began, feeling his stomach in knots.

"We're smashing mice in karaoke bars, you're running late with half your makeup on." He sang, watching as Murph gave him a thumbs up.

As the song continued he got more into it, his nerves evaporating.

"She hits like ecstasy."

All he could think about was Kyle. Was their relationship a Greek tragedy? He sure hoped not.

Before he knew it the crowd was erupting, the small venue overtaken by applause and cheering.

"We're the Wombats! Thank you for coming out." Murph shouted into the microphone wiping a bead of sweat from his face.

Dan jumped off the stage into the small crowd of his students.

"Oh my god Dan!" They all shouted in amazement of the talent their photography teacher possessed.

"Dan!" Kyle shouted running over to him.

"What the fuck, I knew you sung but that, that was insane!" Kyle shouted, pulling Dan into a tight hug in front of all the students.

They didn't care. The two were just friends, and Kyle didn't even teach anymore.

'I can't do this' Was all Dan could think as he hugged Kyle. He couldn't be friends with the man he loved.

It just wouldn't work.

Sorry for not updating in so long!!!

I've been traveling every week for volleyball so all I do is basically eat, sleep, homework, volleyball.

It's slowly winding down so I'll try and get more active:)

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