twenty nine

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"Okay so today we're going to be talking about shooting architecture." Dan began, pulling up a few examples of his work on the screen.

"What theme do you see in most or all of these?" He asked the class, getting mixed answers.

"It's rule of thirds." He said with a laugh, listening as the class agreed.

"When you take something I guess you could say extraordinary, and use good composition, it adds depth to the picture. For this next assignment I want four good pictures taken in rule of thirds." With that he let the students to their business and began editing pictures himself.

"Oh I forgot! No photoshop, I want raw pictures." With that came a small round of moans and yet again they set to work.

He himself had gotten several offers to teach photography classes at several studios and rec centers across London. It was a great feeling to finally feel wanted. But at the same time he would never give up teaching.

"Smith my office now."

The busy classroom was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and the deep voice that belonged to Mr. Gordon.

"I'll be right back." Dan said to the quiet classroom, and following the principal to his office.

"Sit down." And like that he sat, looking at the balding man.

"What's wrong?" His legs were shaking and his hands were trembling in his lap. Each time he had been in the office he had been getting scolded. Surely a parents complained about the concert field trip or something along those lines.

"I actually wanted to congratulate you. Each year each school in our district nominates one teacher to be awarded. And out of twenty something candidates, you won. Congratulations Mr. Smith." Mr. Gordon then smiled faintly, and gave him a firm handshake.


Dan had just accepted his award, hair slicked back, and cheeks blushed. Underneath his suit he was sweating the slightest, his whole body shaking.

When he held the golden apple award and looked out to the crowd all he could feel were his fears.

His fears of not being good enough. His fears of the darkness that sat in his mind. His fears of losing Kyle. They all haunted him when he stood up on the stage, about to give his speech.

It felt as if all his fuck ups had been announced to the world, yet he knew nobody except a few knew.

"Hi everybody." He said into the microphone.

"I teach photography at John Low High school. I just wanted to thank some people. First and most importantly I want to thank my insanely talented, caring, wonderful group of students." With that came a cheer from the group sat in the back with the rest of the adults.

"I just called them students, but that's not what they are to me. They're more like my friends that I just so happen to see everyday for two hours. It's insane to think that I'm here because of them." Dan looked down to his paper where he was going to thank his father, leaving out Kyle. Mr. Gordon had specifically told him to not mention him. Something about staff relationships. But then he put the paper in his suit pocket.

"And secondly I would like to thank my best friend Kyle. At first glance our friendship could be described as unconventional. But it means the world to me. You see he's the reason I got this job, and then the reason I kept it. I don't know how I got this award but thank you."

With shaking legs he walked off the stage and into the crowd of teachers like himself, and found his group. All twenty three of his students and Kyle were there quietly sitting in the back of the convention room.

As soon as Kyle saw him he ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

"I fucking love you." Kyle whispered into his ear, sending chills down his spine.

Sorry for not updating in like forever.

Yesterday I went to see Bastille in concert. I'm so dead it was the best concert I've ever been to and I've seen so many.

Dan and all the guys were so beautiful. Like in person omfffff. During flaws dan u know came into the crowd and like was right in front of me for like twenty seconds.

 During flaws dan u know came into the crowd and like was right in front of me for like twenty seconds

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Beautiful man :')

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