Chapter 5

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Adym went to her draw and looked around. "She quite loves pink and black... Wow" Adym looked suprised as he saw her clothes all either black or pink. He then opened the little draws to find her underwear. "Oh oops NEVER MIND" he quickly shut her draw.

He carried on looking around. "What's this?" He asked. He saw a book, ontop of her desk. "A diary perhaps?" He whispered to himself. Suddenly, he heard someone come upstairs. He quickly hid the book under his shirt and ran out and back to his room.

Jess came upstairs and walked in to her room to have a shower before going to bed...

Adym was in his room. He was going through her book. "Wish list?" He read.
Go on a special date with the person i love the most
Travel around the world
Try and find my parents
Ride a horse
A camping trip where we could eat marshmallows and sing songs and tell spooky stories to each other
Shopping with best friend (or maybe boyfriend if i ever got one)

"Her wishes are a bit weird... Doesn't she wish to be famous or have money at least?" He whispered to himself.
He then saw a picture sticking out of the book. He put the book to the side and held onto the picture.

"Who's this? Her parents?" He whispered. He looked at the back of the picture.
Must Find My Parents
"What does she mean by find her parents. Did she not live with them before?" He whispered.

He heard someone knock on the door. He quickly hid the stuff under his pillow. "Come in" he says. Jess walks in. "Ma'am told me to clean your room before i go to sleep" she says and yawns. "Oh right, okay" Adym replies.

He watches her as she picks up the mess from the floor. He then notices something on the side of her cheek. A scar? He says to himself.
He carries on looking at her as she picks up the rubbish from the floor. She must be really tired he says to himself.

"Im going to take a break for a bit" Jess sighs and sat down on his chair. She closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep. Adym chuckles. He lifts her up and lays her on his bed. He quickly picks up all the mess and tidys up his room. Once he's done, he carries Jess to her bed.

He put the blanket on her and tucked her in before leaving the room...
He goes back to his room and sits on his bed. He then takes the book and reads more of everything she wrote.
"Orphan house?" He read. "Is she an orphan? I thought she only works there..?" Adym was really confused.

The address and phone number was written on there. He took a picture of the address and phone number. He carried on flicking through the pages when he saw something unbelievable. She had a razor blade stuck with sticky tape.

On the side, she wrote "I promise to never cut myself again."
"That means... she used to cut herself too?" He asks. On the same page, was blood, stained on the side. "No..Why would she do this to herself?" He seemed worried.

His step-mother then walked in. He quickly put it under his pillow. "What?" He asks. "Are you not going to sleep?" She asks him. "I'll sleep when i want. Now leave me alone" he stood up and pushed her out his room before closing the door.

He lay down and looked at the ceiling. "How could she be so bright and have a bright smile when her life is upside down. Just why?" He whispers. "I will find out" he says. He then gets his phone and looks at the picture he took of the address and phone number.

"I'll go tomorrow. I mean the first thing i need to know is her name.. I don't even know that yet" he chuckles. He then slowly knocks out and falls asleep...


Jess woke up and looked around. "Shoot, i was supposed to clean his room!" She cursed and quickly ran ro his room. "Im so so-oh" she walked in and saw the room clean and he wasn't sleeping. "Where did he go at this time? And who cleaned the room? Im sure i didn't" Jess whispered to herself.

"What are you doing in your night clothes?!" The oldest maid walkes in. "Oh, auntie" she looked worried. "Hurry and get changed before ma'am comes" she warned. Jess nods and runs back to her room....

Adym arrives at the orphan house. He walks in to find Ms.Anderson planting the flowers whilst the kids were playing with each other. They notcied Adym and called for Ms,Anderson. "He's going to take us away!" One of the kids shout. "Ms,Anderson! Help!" Another one called out.

They started crying. Ms.Anderson quickly walked in. They went and hid behind Ms.Anderson. "Why are you here? They're just chuldren! You can't take them away like that" Ms,Anderson said. "Im not here to take any kid, im here to talk about a person" he says.

"Oh.. Who?" Ms,Anderson asks. He took his phone out and showed a picture. "Her" he said. "Oh my, it's Jess" she tries to stop herself from crying. "Please, i need to ask you about something" Adym pleaded. "Come in dear, come in" she took him into the office.

She asked one of the new teachers to take care of the children. As she took him to the office, she sat him down. "Im so sorry, i thought you were going to take the kids away" Ms.Anderson apologises. "It's okay. I understand why you'd think that. But Jess.. is that her name?" He asked.

Ms.Anderson nods. "I know it's a bad thing to do but i went through her stuff and found a book. Why does she wish to find her parents? Why did they leave her?" Adym asked.
"Her parents... That poor thing hasn't seen her parents since she was six.. Why? Well son, sit comfortably, it's a long story.." Ms. Anderson says,,,,


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