Chapter 19

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As Adym and Jess sat together in the coach, Jess started fiddling with her fingers. "Hey honey, what's wrong?" Adym asks. "I don't know.. I just have this weird feeling inside of me.. Like something is not going to go right" Jess says. Adym then puts his arm around her and pullsmher head forward, leaning it onto his shoulder.

"Just relax. Everything is fine" he says and kisses her on the fourhead...

Once they arrive back, Adym's father and Step-Mother stood at the door. "Welcome back!" Adym's father walks to him and hugs him. "Dad!" He hugs back and smiles like a little kid.      
His step-mother pulled him away from his father and slaps him.

"How could you?! You got Chloe arressted?! For a MAID?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" She shouts. "Honey, enough" Adym's father looks back over his shoulder at her. "Why?! What were you thinking?! You've embarrassed us Adym. EMBARRASSED US! WHAT IS EVERYONE GOING TO THINK?!" She shouts.

"I don't care what the society think. What the people think! What i did was right! CHLOE DESERVES TO BE IN JAIL!" Adym shouts back.

"ENOUGH!" His father shouted and held onto Ms.Smith's wrist. "Dont you ever raise your hand on my son like that" he glares at her. Adym barges past everyone and walks in. "Sir, im really sorry, this is all my fault, i-"

"You are not at fault, darling. She committed a crime and so, it has to happen" His father said. "You too!" His step-mother shouts. "Be quiet you old hag. You've changed since the first day i met you" he says and drags her inside. Jess sighs and turns around. "What should i do?" She looks at Zoe and Zico.

"Well she's a right bitch" Zoe says. "Dont worry Jess. It's not your fault. Just.. Maybe you should talk to Adym" Zico said. "Maybe you're right" Jess sighs and walks in..

In the evening

After Jess completed her time table, she went and sat down on her bed. "Maybe it's best if i go talk to him now" she sighs as she gets back up and walks out. She knocks on his door but there was no reply. "Adym?" She called out but he said nothing.

She walked in and saw him looking at a picture of his biological mom and him when he was six years old. "Adym" she calls out. He turns his head round and sees her. "What do you want?" He says, wiping his tears. "Listen, i know you're mad at me-"

"Yes im mad at you, so GET OUT!" He shouts. "Adym.. i wanted to apologise" Jess looked quite suprised. "I don't need your apology. I dont want to talk to you, GET LOST!" He says again. "FINE!" Jess shouts back and shuts the door behind her.

She sighs as she leans her back against the door. "What should i do?" She asks herself...

"So he's mad at you?" Zoe asks. Jess decided to go see Zoe, who was still working at the café to tell her about what had happened.

"What should i do?" Jess asks. "Just give him some space. He'll be fine after a while, im sure" Zoe says. "Urghh!" Jess groans as she slides back on her chair...


Adym woke up after 2 hours of sleep. As he was in the bathroom, he started thinking to himself. Why am i feeling so down. I never get so emotional like this...

As he was washing his face, he remembered about what he said to Jess. "Crap. Oh crap. Adymmm! What did you do? Jess must be upset now. Oh for the love of god" Adym sighs. He quickly wipes his face and walks out the bathroom. He then walks out his bedroom and heads to Jess' bedroom.

"Jess?" He calls out but no response. He then walked in but she wasn't here. "Where is she?" He mutters. He checks his watch. "It's 9:27pm. Where could she be?!" Adym suddenly got shocked he ran back to his room and quickly popped on a jacket and a pair or white converses.

He walkes down and saw Zico. "Have you seen Jess?" He asks. "Yeah, she said she's going to the café, to meet Zoe" Zico replies. He runs out the door and shuts it behind him..

"Well, im going to go now. I'll see you soon" Jess stood up and hugged Zoe. "Make sure you don't wander off anywhere" Zoe says. "I wont" Jess replies. She walks out and turns the othr direction and does the opposite of what Zoe says ; she wanders off.

Just a few minutes after she wanders off, Adym arrived at the café. He saw Zoe, shutting down the café. "Yo ZoZi" he calls out. She turns around. "Oh Adym. Hey, what brings you here?" She asks. "Jess, where is she? Zico said she came here" Adym says.

"Oh..she left a few minutes ago.." Zoe said. "What? But she didn't even come pass me" Adym says. "Ugh! I told this girl not to wander off! Hang on, let me call her" Zoe gets out her phone, but Adym couldn't wait and ran off...

Jess was walking past shops when she saw a baby shop with loads of baby toys. She then noticed a familiar toy that she played with when she was younger. She then remembered something

Whilst they were waiting for their van to come to leaves and go back to Adym's house, Jess took out a picture. She left it on the table. As they got up, she stood up but forgot about the picture...

"The picture.. The picture!" Jess shouts. "Oh no oh no, what should i do!" Jess suddenly started panicking as she looked around at the people on the street. Her head was suddenly feeling heavy. "What should i do?" She says. But her voice suddenly fades as she drops to the floor and faints...

"Where could she be" Adym kept muttering to himself as he ran to every road near his area. He then came to a road where he saw a massive group of people gather around. "Let me call her" Adym says...

"You ruined my family's reputation.. Now i'll ruin you, just like i ruined your mother and father.. i'll kill you" Adym's step mother says to herself as she sits down in her office, her feet on her desk as she fiddled with her pen...

~ TBC ~

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