Chapter 20

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"She's not picking up! Where could she be?!" Adym shouts. His phone suddenly starts ringing. It was an unknown number. "Hello-"
"Adym!" Jess sobs.
"Jess, where are you? Why haven't you been picking up my calls?!" Adym shouts.
"Adym, we need to go back" she says.

"Back where?.. Where are you?" Adym asks.
"I dont know. I-i'll meet you outiside Zoe's café" she says and ends the call.

"This girl, really" Adym sighs and runs back to Zoe's cafe...
He waited for a few minutes, roaming around outside the café. "Adym!" Jess shouts. He turns his head around and sees her, with messy hair and red eyes. "Jess" he whispers and runs towards her.

He pulls her in for a hug. "Jess, where were you? You scared me!" Adym gasps. He then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, whilst hugging her. "Adym, i need your help" Jess says. He moves back. "What's wrong? Has my step mother-"
"No, it's not her" Jess cuts him off. "We need to go back" she says. "Go back where?" Adym was quite confused.

"To the camping site. I have something important that i left there" Jess says. "What is it?" He asks. "The photo with me, my mother and father" Jess says. "Oh.. Jess i know, you want to find this, but it's best if we go tomorrow. You aren't in a good state and-"
"No! I need to go now!" Jess shouts and cuts off what Adym was about to say.

"If you dont want to come, that's fine. It shows how muc really love me anyways" Jess says with disappointment in her eyes. She turns around and walks around whilst Adym watches her. "I made a mistake. I shouldn't have let her go on her own" Adym whispers.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, his phone rang. It was his father;
Yes father?
Where are you? You're grandma came to visit
Oh i was just...out
Hurry and come home. Its getting dark too

His father cut the call. Adym put his phone back in his pocket. He looked up again, in the same direction that Jess walked away from. He sighed and turned around, walking back home...

As he walked in, his grandma was sat in her favourite seat. "My grandson, come here" she smiled. Adym went towards to her and hugged her. "How have you been?" His grandma asked. "Good" Adym slightly smiled. "What's wrong Adym? You seem a bit.. upset" his grandmother asked.

He shaked his head. "I'll be back" Adym stood up and walked upstairs...

He walked past his step mother's room for a second but quickly walked back. It seemed empty. He went towards the door and opened it. It was dark but he could see a little bit of a read light, shining in the next room, which was inside the office. He slowly walked to the room and walked in.

He looked around and all he saw were pictures of Jess. "What is this?" He whispers. He then walkes towards one of Jess' pictures, where there was blood on it.

There was a note next to it ;
Get ready to see your girlfriend, dead tonight
Love, your lovely, great, stepmother.

"No..NO!" Adym shouts. He ripped off the picture and was panting..

He ran into his room and opened his closet. He took out a bunch of clothes and shoved them in his back pack. He then took out a package. He put his hand in there and as he took it out, there was a gun placed in his hand.

"Im sorry father, but if she kills Jess... I have no choice" Adym whispers. He shoves that in his bag too and runs down. "Where are you off too?" Adym's father asked. "I wont be here for a few days! Love you dad, bye!" Adym quickly runs out...

Jess gets a taxi to take her there. Just as the taxi was about to drive, another lady came in. She was dressed in fully black. All you could see was her blonde hair and her red lipstick. The shadow of her hood, covered her eyes.

Jess looked at her awkwardly. Who is she? Jess asks herself. She decided to just ignore it. She turned on her phone. "Well i guess he really doesn't care" Jess mutters (she's talking about Adym)

The taxi drove off...

A few minutes past. Adym was waiting for a taxi. Finally, a taxi was free. He got into it and asked the taxi to take him there (to the camping site, ofc😊😂❤)

Adym was shaking. He then closed his eyes. "Please, i can't be too late" he whispers...

Jess arrived at the camping site. She got out and the taxi turned around to drive off. As Jess was walking in, someone pulled her hair. "What the hell!" She shouts. She turns around and sees the lady with the the black hood on.

The lady took off her black hood. "Ms.Smith!" Jess shouts in shock. Jenny then put a knife towards her neck. "Listen and do as i say. Otherwise, i'll kill you" she whispers. Jess could feel a lump in her throat. Adym.. Where are you. Please, come soon. Please. Im sure you must've come. Please Jess kept on praying in her head.

Jenny then tied Jess' hands and dragged her away with her...

Just a few seconds after they dissappeared, Adym arrived in front of the building. He quickly got out and ran inside. He walked into the building and saw the old couple. "A murderer! A murderer!" The old lady shouts. "No no, you got it all wrong. Im looking for my girlfriend, Jess. She said she forgot something here and she came back to get it" Adym said.

"No one has come here. No young girl has been here" The old lady said. "Oh okay.. im sorry for disturbing you" Adym walked out. "Where could she be? Let me call her" he says.

Just as he takes out his phone, he gets a video call from Jenny. He answers the call.
"Well well, you've come to look for Jess, have you?" She says.
"Where is she?!" Adym shouts.
Jenny turns the camera around, so that Adym could see Jess. Blood was all over her faces. She had dark blue bruises and her eyes were blood-shot red.

"If you want her, come find her" Jenny says.
"Jess!" Adym shouts.
"Adym..Don't come.  She's going to kill you!" Jess shouts.
"I dont care.. i-..GIVE ME THE ADDRESS NOW, JENNY!" Adym shouts. His blood was boiling.
"Well dont worry. You can have the address. So you can come and see your dear girlfriend die for yourself" Jenny evily laughs and cuts off the call.

"Im late. This..this is all my fault" Adym mutters, moving his hair back.  His phone made a sudden ping noise. Jenny messaged Adym the address and so, Adym ran off...

Mr.Yorba (Adym's Father) walked upstairs, after dropping off his mother home. He then found Jenny's office door open. He walked in and saw the exact red light Adym saw. He walked forward and saw the room,  which was full of Jess' pictures and her face. He picked up the scrunched the note from the floor.

He read it and was shocked. He took out his phone and took a picture and kept the note in his hand. He than ran to Adym's room and scanned through his closet.

"He took it with him" his father whispers. He then quickly runs downstairs and gets the phone and dials 999.
Hello. Police. I need your help. It's an emergency!...

~ TBC ~
Hey guys, sorry for taking almost FOREVER to upload. I just have less time recently because i have my end of year exams coming soon and i need to revise and stuff.

Apart from that, i promise i will update when i can. Thankyou to all my readers (i got to 2K!!!❤❤)
Thankyou guys so much. Love you guys

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