♡Valentine Special♡

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this chapter DOES NOT  pertain to the other events that happened soooo happy valentines day

namjoon woke up bright and early hearing shuffling behind the door.

he woke up a little later as he expected. the alarm clock next to him glowed 9:45 am. he slowly got out of the bed ruffling his own hair and pushed himself to the bathroom.

he quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth, taking a brush out to comb through his hair.

he walked out and looked through his closet. he pulled out a red shirt with some white shorts. remembering it was Valentine's Day he pulled out some red little heart stickers and stuck it in the corners of his eyes.

he walked downstairs to see it filled with red rose petals everywhere. he saw an envelope on the floor with a heart drawn on it.

he looked at it with confusion and carefully opened it.

Baby you are very beautiful no matter how you look or dress, love you for whoever you are. - K.J

namjoon blushed and kept hold of the envelope. he wandered into the kitchen to see another one on the island.

You are the cutest I've ever seen wouldn't ever traded anyone else for you - P.J

that touched namjoon he held it closely to his heart and smiled widely.

there was a trail of petals so he followed them. there was another letter found.

I love you baby doll, I am thankful for having someone so beautiful as you - K.T

namjoon was overwhelmed at thus point so he followed the petals again leadin him to the living room. he found another letter.

Namjoonie baby, hyung love you a lot and your adorable dimples I'd squeeze you to death, you're so precious - J.H

namjoon saw another one from the leading trail and grabbed it.

will you be my princess if I was your prince? -J.K

namjoon giggled at this one and mentally nodded. he followed the petals to see no more letters.  he noticed he didn't get one more, looking at the 5 letters in his hand. he felt like he was going to cry because his favorite hung didn't give him an envelope.

as he came to an abrupt stop at the front door, he saw a note.

open the door 

it read and namjoon hastily opened the door to reveal yoongi in a suit as well as the rest holding out flowers or a huge ass teddy bear. yoongi held both.

"happy valentines baby, you are so important to me and i love you so much it's too hard to explain my baby, i will love you forever if you do the same for me." yoongi said and that was enough for namjoon to shed tears.

namjoon jumped and hugged yoongi tightly as the others were watching the duo. 

"I love you so much hyungs." namjoon said looking at all of them and giving them kisses on the cheek.

"we all love you too." they said in unison as namjoon pouted. "b-but I didn't get hyungs something for Valentine's Day.." he said looking at the ground.

"don't worry baby, you were the best valentines gift we ever received." yoongi said kissing his forehead as namjoon wrapped his arms around his neck.

"thank you hyungie." namjoon said cuddling in his neck. 

"love you too baby."

IM DYING THIS WAS TOO CUTE but like bts comeback????? KILLED MEGOSH NAMJOON WAS SO HSBDJSHSSH I so proud of my boys :')) strong power thank you happy Valentine's Day my babes

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