Chapter 14

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So this update is because I haven't updated in a while, sorry busy so much, and did anyone watched midnight memories video, well I just did now, oh god! First, liam winked, second, riding motorcycles, third, a old lady hitting on harry lol hahahha, fourth, niall distracted police officer, and fifth, the party. Everything was perfection, i just can't stop myself from smiling!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!

On to the chapter :D

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Chapter 14

Niall called the ambulance, holding diana's numbless body in her arms, tears spilling down her face. He can't lose her, he have to make her come back.

Just after few seconds, the sirens of ambulance can be heard, two mens came out holding a strecher. They put diana on it, and niall went inside with them, still holding her hand. The doctor inside started to gave treatment to diana, while niall cried his eyes out silently.

"Please di, please," He whispered, kissing her hand.

Just then niall's phone rang, he took it out and saw liam was calling. He sighed and picked up the call.

"H-hello?" He said,

"Mate where are you? We've been calling you and diana, but she isn't picking" Liam said,

"L-Liam, diana.. she.. she.." Niall broke down crying, holding on phone.

"Niall, are you okay? What happen? Is diana ok?" He asked worriedly.

"No, she got into accident, we're going hospital.. Li.. she" He cried again. He can't hold himself, just by thinking of thought that diana got hurt makes him even to cry more. He wasn't there to save her.

"Mate, we're on our way," Liam said hanging up the call. He put on his shirt and throwed his phone in pocket, while going waking others up.

As liam told them, they all rushed to the van, with paul, making there way to the hospital.

On other side, diana was rushed into the operation theatre, while niall just keep back and forth waiting for the response.

As he saw his band mates, niall crashed them into a hug, while everyone keep consoling niall, that everything will be ok.

He keep crying silently, and boys gave him their shoulders to him.

"It's all my fault," He said shaking his head.

"No, mate it isn't, just hope for best, she would be fine," Harry said, hugging him.

"I hope so," 

The doctor came out from operation theatre, worried expression on his face.

"Doctor, is everything ok? How's she?" Niall asked him.

"Just pray for her, if she didn't get up in next 24 hours, then she might be in coma," Niall's jaw dropped, the doctor patted his bag and went past them. Niall stumbled back, but liam hold him.

They keep calling niall, but no use, niall fainted already. It was too much for him, and according to doctors he got mental breakdown.

Niall was in icu now sleeping, liam and harry were with him, while louis and zayn were outside of diana's room, hoping she would get up.

After few minutes, which seems like hours, niall's eyes fluttered open looking for diana, as he saw machines were attached to him, he removed them all and runned to diana's room, where her eyes were closed, oxygen mask on her mouth.

Even she is sleeping, she still looks beautiful as always.

Niall took her hand, kissing back of it, silently praying she woke up. As tears started to come out of niall's eyes, on diana's hand, diana moved.


Hope you like this chapter, tell me in comments xx


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