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jungkookiebunny: hyung

jungkookiebunny: why didn't you tell me you were leaving?

jungkookiebunny: I could've gone with you

jungkookiebunny: I love you ya know

jungkookiebunny: did you let anyone at bighit know?

jungkookiebunny: they're going to have to cancel our promotions

jungkookiebunny: because no performance is perfect without you

jungkookiebunny: and I won't perform without you either

jungkookiebunny: please let me help you

jungkookiebunny: you've been ignoring me for three days

jungkookiebunny: you won't even say anything

jungkookiebunny: not even a word

jungkookiebunny: and it makes me sosososo sad and I'm sure it does for you too

jungkookiebunny: I know you need me hyung

jungkookiebunny: which is why I'm coming to find you

jungkookiebunny: I'll see you soon hyung

jungkookiebunny: goodbye

jungkookiebunny logged off

taehyungiexo: Jeon Jungkook don't you fucking dare

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