~ twenty five ~

447 24 16

{ Jungkook's POV }

"Hyung what should I do?"

"Well, you're probably going to have to win him back somehow."

"But how?"

"I don't know, just be nice to him and maybe take him out for coffee or something."

I sighed as I thought about what to do. Yoongi hyung wasn't much of a help. We were waiting in the lobby of Billboard to do an interview. Taehyung didn't talk to me much during our Brazil shows or anything, but he wasn't cold either. He was more polite, like we were acquaintances and not friends or even lovers. It got worse as he remembered what we did that drunken night before leaving for Chile.

"Hey Taehyung." Yoongi called him over to us. What's he gonna do? Taehyung walked over hesitantly and ran his fingers through his hair. Damn he looked good in a bandana.

"What is it hyung?" He asked quietly. Yoongi looked at me briefly before a smirk landed on his face. "When we're done with our schedule today you and Jungkook are gonna go get us all some Chipotle." My eyes widened and I punched his arm.

"W-why Jungkook and I?"

"I think you two need some alone time."

I hit him harder.

Taehyung just gave him a curt nod and walked back to his seat next to Namjoon. Once he wasn't paying attention to us anymore I started punching the shit out of Yoongi's arm who just laughed at me, showing his irresistible gummy smile. I then proceeded to pout of course until our names were called for the interview.


"So here we are." I said hesitantly as we stood outside of Chipotle. Taehyung forced a smile and followed me into the restaurant. Thank goodness it was only a couple of blocks from the hotel and the fans were leaving us alone. We love them, but we just need some peace sometimes too.

We ordered 7 identical burritos for everyone and quickly left the restaurant, but then someone suddenly tugged on my wrist.

"Jungkook, look."

I looked to where his finger was pointing to the park across the street. There were little lights hanging in the trees that seemed to mesmerize Taehyung and his eyes widened like a little kid. Before I knew it we were standing at the front of the path in the park with 7 burritos getting colder and colder in the bags I was holding.

"Hyung we should probably go to the hotel."

"Why? Isn't this what you wanted anyway? You should be happy I'm willing to walk through here with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows together lost in my thoughts in the sudden change of Taehyung. His eyes were lighter and he smiled easier compared to a few days ago.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when a shaky hand laced his fingers with mine.

I looked over at him with wide eyes and a smile found its way to his lips as he stared deep into my eyes.

"Come on Kook, lets have some fun!"

He pulled me down the path basically sprinting and at some point I dropped the burritos.

"Hyung! The food!"

"Who cares about food when we can ride a boat to the Statue of Liberty!"

What was wrong with him?

But sure enough at the end of the path we found ourselves standing on the sidewalk looking out on the ocean. Taehyung pulled me aside and we sat down on a bench. There were lots of people out sightseeing and it was really beautiful. The fairy lights twinkled in the trees behind us and the moon shined on the ocean. I hadn't felt so in peace in a long time,

and Taehyung's hand still hadn't left mine.


"What is it Jungkook?"

"What are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be."

Whatever I want us to be? Is he serious?

"Will you ever take me back?"

I watched his expression change as he pondered the question. He took a deep sigh before responding.

"I bet I could eventually. I just don't know if I can right now Jungkook."

My heart sank a little bit. Why was he teasing me then?

"Then why are you acting like this? Why are you acting like there's a thing between us? Why are you teasing me hyung?" The tears welled up in my eyes and I pulled my hand away from him. I can't handle this anymore.

My sobs got a little more violent, but my breath hitched when I felt a pair of rigid arms around me. Was he hugging me? I turned towards him in the embrace and he was whispering something to himself really low with his eyes squeezed shut like he was fighting his thoughts.

I forgot that he's scared of me, so this is a big deal for him mentally.

His arms shook around me and through his closed eyes I could see tears in their corners. Hugging me makes him cry, and that breaks my heart.

I slowly removed his arms from me and grabbed his shaky hands in my own before pressing our foreheads together and guiding his hands to my cheeks. He reluctantly opened his eyes and I saw them full of fear. I pulled my forehead away, but kept his hands on my cheeks no matter how much they were shaking.

"Tae, it's me. It's just Kookie." I choked out through my own new batch of tears from seeing him so scared of me. "I'm not gonna hurt you Taehyungie. Please, please don't be scared of me."

He closed his eyes again and took some deep breaths, and the shaking in his hands soon stopped and he looked up at me with tired and teary eyes. I circled my thumbs on the back of his hands that were pressed to my cheeks which seemed to calm him down more.

"Kookie..I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay hyung."

"C-can we just take things slow?"

"Of course we can. I'll always be waiting for you Tae."

"I-I love you Jun-"

I don't know what he meant by slow, but I couldn't resist. Those three words I hadn't heard in months came out of him and I just had to kiss him.

I'm guessing it's okay, since he kissed me back.



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