~ nineteen ~

399 22 9

{ Jungkook's POV }

"Come quick Kookie! Look at these flowers!" I smile widely as I run over to Taehyung to see these miraculous flowers he's marveling over. As I get closer I see he's in the blue flowered part of the field. The flowers truly are beautiful. I flop down on my stomach next to him and stare at his eyes and how wide there are from wonder. That's one of my favorite expressions on him.


"What kind of flowers are these hyung?" I ask as I stare at him. He's still more beautiful than the flowers. He looks at me with eyes bright and full of love. My skin tingles as he grabs my hand.

"They're forget-me-nots."

I smile and hum a reply before turning back to the flowers. I look up at the sky as I feel my skin turn cold. When did it get so cloudy. I look down at the flowers to see nothing but dead grass. "Hyu-" the grip on my hand tightens to the point of pain and I look to see Taehyung glaring deep into my soul.

His eyes are no longer glowing and his hair and skin look dull and malnourished. His eyes are full of anger and pain and I want to run away, but his grip won't let me.

"Did you forget about me Jungkookie?" His grip somehow gets tighter as he pulls me into a standing position. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as he keeps talking with this hoarse and dark voice. I've never been so scared of him before.

"Did you forget what we had together? Did you forget all of our memories? Did you forget that I saved you on multiple occasions? Did you forget how much we loved each other?"

"Taehyung. Please! I'm so sorry! Please I love you so much!" I look at him pleadingly just to see a sinister smile appear on his face.

"It's too late for that Jungkookie."

I look down as I feel something hot on my wrist and see blood coming from his own wrists. No!

"T-Taehyung! No! Don't! Not again, please!"

"Well, well, well look who's stuttering now? I know you probably judged me for mine when I got home."

Please just let this be over damnit. He starts laughing and I sit down in the pool of blood surrounding us with my hands pressed to my ears.

Please. Please. Just let me go.


I dart up in bed. Oh thank god. It was just a horrible nightmare. I still feel the tears in my eyes and quickly wipe them from my cheeks. I look around and see it's dark and Jimin's still gone. I grab the phone off the nightstand and see it's 2 in the morning. Why am I always waking up like this?

I stand up and throw on a robe before heading down to the living room. So that's where Jimin is. He's still fully clothed with a blanket placed haphazardly on him. For the first time in a long time I look at him,

and my heart doesn't skip a beat.

I head out to the kitchen and grab a nice cold bottle of water hoping it calms my nerves a bit. I take a few gulps and hear something behind me. I turn around to see a Taehyung in the doorway completely startling me.

"Oh. You're back." I say groggily. He just looks down at his slippers and shuffles over to the cupboard to take out a glass. He opens the fridge and pours himself some juice. Apple juice. I find myself grinning at my hyung. That's always been his favorite drink.

What am I saying? You hate him Jungkook,

but that nightmare really put some things into perspective.

He's about to walk away after drinking almost all of his juice when I subconsciously reach out and grab the sleeve of his hoodie. He tenses up and turns to me. He's glaring at me, but his eyes aren't filled with any sort of anger.

They're filled with wonder.

"Listen. Taehyung." His gaze softens, but he still forcefully yanks himself out of my grip. "H-how about we start over?" I ask cautiously. His eyebrows furrow and for a split second I think he's going to say okay until he looks back at me with that same glare only with eyes of anger.

"A-are you kidding m-me?" He stutters with his hoarse voice. What do I say? I didn't think I'd have to explain myself further. Fuck. "After how many ever years, y-you expect me to j-just start over?" Less of a stutter, more anger. I'm honestly speechless.

"Please. I'm just tired of this bad blood. I just want.." I trail off lost in thought. He steps closer to me with his fists balled up at his sides. I can feel my hands tremble as I remember the nightmare I had.

"Want what, Jungkook?" He asks with a low and dark voice, grabbing my chin to make me look in his eyes. His eyes are so easy to get lost in. My mind is completely blank as I try unsuccessfully to search for words to describe a million emotions.

"That's what I thought."

And before I know it he's gone.

I let him go again.

I broke him again.


A/N: y'all this chapter made me emo

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now