~ twenty seven ~

391 22 9

{ Taehyung's POV }

"Are you ready to go hyung?"

Am I? Am I ready to go? Does this seal some deal in Jungkook's head? What if we fuck again?

All these thoughts spun around my head,

and I didn't even notice him grabbing my hand.


"I'm so glad you agreed to this hyung." Jungkook smiled sweetly at me as he kept his distance up the steps to the beautiful aquarium. I was so excited, but I would never tell him that. I need to play hard to get.

I can't let him back in so easily.

We went inside and I had them scan the tickets off my phone. As soon as the lady scanned them Jungkook had a grip on my hand again and would not let it go no matter how much I squirmed.



That smile. It seemed to be made of gold.

"Uh..nothing. Where would you like to look fir-"

"Hyung look at this!"

I smiled to myself as he dragged me over to a big tank just outside the lobby of the aquarium.

He rudely moved us through the crowd and didn't seem to care that there were people there before us that now couldn't see

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He rudely moved us through the crowd and didn't seem to care that there were people there before us that now couldn't see. He was just smiling widely like a little kid as he told me about all the different fish he could recognize.

His eyes were drawn to the whirling colors of eels, stingrays, and tropical fish throughout the tank; but my eyes were involuntarily drawn to something else,



"Hyung I can't believe you got us tickets to the aquatic show too! Thank you so much!"

Before I knew it he wrapped me in a hug and I was frozen in place. I could feel the fear bubbling through my veins at every place he was touching me and I immediately felt sick and dizzy. My heart had never raced this fast and as much as I tried to fight it I had to push him off me.

I could see his eyes studying everything about me and the regret quickly painted his face.

"I'm sorry hyung."

I smiled sadly at him and he quickly turned away from me and I followed him to the place where the show is held.

We were some of the first ones there so we sat right up front. I could feel the tension in the air and see the shining in his eyes as he tried not to cry. I was still hurting him and the only to not do that was to give into him and face my fears. I'm just not ready for that.


"Don't. Just don't talk about it hyung. Let's just enjoy the show yeah?"

The smile he flashed was by far the most fake I've seen from him, and that hurt me too.


As the show started and the beluga whales were done the trainers asked for volunteers. Jungkook's hand shot straight up and surprisingly mine did too. I was ready to have some fun.

We never thought we'd actually get picked.

Jungkook looked over at me and I could see how scared he actually was to do it. I'm not sure if it's the dolphins he was scared of or the risk of recognition, but maybe it was both.

The trainer had us put on rubber boots and she led us to a rocky corner of the pool. The other trainer signaled for the dolphins to come to our side and I found myself laughing at the look on Jungkook's face. He was just so shook.

The trainers had us give them fish and I grabbed Jungkook's other hand as I saw him shaking. He looked at me with wide eyes and a smile on his face.

From then on the confidence rushed through that pabo,

and I found myself wrapping him in towels after he accidentally fell into the pool with the dolphins.


"I can't believe you got us kicked out of the aquatic show."

"I know. I'm s-s-sorry." Jungkook stuttered from the shivering.

"You know this might just be it. This might just be unforgivable. I didn't get to see the seal. I'm very angry."

"N-no. Hyung p-p-please."

I turned away from him with a smirk on my face. He didn't need to know I was kidding yet.

"Seals are my favorite marine animal and because of that I am not going to forgive you."

I looked back up at him and he was still shivering only now there were tears running down his cheeks too.



He furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Do you think I was really not going to forgive you?"

He nodded his head like a little kid.

"Well then you're really a pabo. I wasn't even mad in the first place."

He frowned and glared at me as I picked up another thick towel.

The glare softened as I wrapped it around his shoulders and enveloped him in a hug. He leaned into it so fast and I could tell he was dozing off. I smiled at him and realized that I really love him too.

Once I was sure he was asleep I lightly pecked his forehead and whispered,

"I love you Jungkookie."


A/N: I'm back-ish. I really miss bts

There's like three chapters left in this story maybe

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