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jungkookiebunny: tae

jungkookiebunny: I saw your family's obituaries in the paper

jungkookiebunny: I'm so sorry

jungkookiebunny: the funeral is tomorrow

jungkookiebunny: will you be home after that?

jungkookiebunny: bighit had to release a statement regarding your absence because of a family emergency

jungkookiebunny: we won first place today again hyung

jungkookiebunny: I wish I could've seen your face when we won

jungkookiebunny: but maybe you don't care about us much anymore

jungkookiebunny: jiminie hyung has been being so nice to me

jungkookiebunny: I really missed his company

jungkookiebunny: but I still miss you more

jungkookiebunny: are we really done?

jungkookiebunny: I hope not

jungkookiebunny: idk if I could live without you being mine Taehyungie

jungkookiebunny: so please

jungkookiebunny: come home soon

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