~ four ~

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{ Author POV }

Jungkook smiled sadly as he saw Taehyung waiting at the platform for him with a puffy face and tired eyes. He collected his luggage as the train came to a stop and made his way to Taehyung through the crowd.

As he spotted him Taehyung's face grew angry and the once sad expression turned into pure fury. Jungkook hadn't seen his eyes filled with such hatred in years, and boy was he scared of what was going to happen next.


"Shut up Jungkook!"


"Just follow me! I'm not doing this here!"

He grabbed Jungkook's wrist and dragged him from the station and out to a small park across the street that was emptied of people. As they got towards the middle of the park Taehyung threw Jungkook's wrist away and turned around.

"Go home, Jungkook!"

"No! There's no way I'm leaving you!"

"Why?! Why did you come here?! Who gave you the right to come into this side of my life?!"

"Well speaking we've been together for almost 7 years, I would think I had the right to come and comfort you."

The answer infuriated Taehyung even more and he pulled at his hair with his hands. Jungkook looked at him with worry and fear, but wasn't expecting the sharp sting to his right cheek, knocking him to the ground. He looked at the older with shock and sadness as his lip began to tremble. Taehyung shook his head as his angry demeanor resided and tears were pressing at the corners of his eyes.

He looked like his world had just fell apart and didn't know what to do about it. He just turned away from the boy in the mud and began to walk away.

"Taehyung, no."

Jungkook grabbed his wrist and spun him around again.

"Please. Please don't leave me again. Please. Last time you left I didn't see you for a year."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows before widening his eyes as he remembered what took place about six years ago, but it didn't matter to his sudden change in his heart. He didn't want Jungkook to come because he'd see him like this. A mess. And that's the one thing he never wanted to look like in Jungkook's eyes.

"Goodbye Jungkook." He mumbled before walking away from the younger as the rain started to fall.


A/N: this was so short I'm so sorry it's hard to write from the post surgery grogginess

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now