~ seven ~

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{ Author POV }

It had been two weeks after the funeral and still no sign of Taehyung. No one could get a hold of him; not even the members or the staff. Many of the members including Jungkook had taken trains out there to see if they'd have a lucky day and spot him, but have had no such luck.

Jungkook fell into a depression, a deep deep one. Nothing and nobody could help not even Jimin. Jimin sure did try though. He brought him food and random presents to cheer him up. All he got in return was a sad smile and a thank you. Jimin was there the nights when he'd catch Jungkook resorting to old habits, and the one that held him tight when he cried. Eventually Jungkook had to withdraw from the band's activities as well which caused a big gap in performances.

Everyone hated seeing Jungkook so miserable. His hair was constantly messy and his eyes were always puffy. He slept most of the time and only left his room for water and the bathroom. He had dropped a lot of weight, but didn't seem to care. For someone that was alive and breathing he seemed so lifeless, and it was killing Jimin.

They had both been through a lot together, and Jimin often reminisced of the times when they first met at the university and despite Jungkook's challenges, life was pretty great. He remembered the sad times too and how poorly he had treated him. He regretted ever letting him go.

One Friday evening the two were the last ones up and Jungkook had decided to come out and watch tv with his hyung. Jimin took out a big warm blanket and pulled the younger to him and kept his arm around his waist. Jungkook finally smiled a bit wider and snuggled up next to Jimin.

As the two watched tv they heard a thunderstorm beginning outside. "Hyung, I'm scared of thunder." Jungkook said and a few seconds later they heard a loud boom, making Jungkook jump. Jimin chuckled and pulled Jungkook onto his lap where the younger immediately buried his face in his chest. "It's okay Kookie I'm here." Jimin said with a smile as he softly rubbed his back.

Jungkook eventually calmed down and they kept enjoying the movie. The thunder still scared him, but not as much as the front door slamming open. The two sat up, but didn't move from the couch. They had no idea who it would be, they thought all the hyungs were asleep.

They heard a few thuds and shoes getting taken off, both of them were still too freaked out to move. Soon they both felt their hearts stop and their jaws drop as a soaking wet Taehyung came into the living room. His eyes were averted to the floor and he barely glanced at the boys.

"T-Taehyung?" Jungkook piped up, barely receiving a glance from the said boy. Jungkook felt his heart breaking while Jimin felt his blood start to pump with anger. He lightly pushed Jungkook off his lap much to his protest and stomped over to Taehyung who made no effort to move.

"What do you thing you're doing here?" Jimin asked in the meanest tone Jungkook had ever heard him use. "Jimin don't." Jungkook pleaded, seeing the anger in his hyung's eyes.
"Jungkook just leave it to me I got this." Jimin hissed making Jungkook sink into the couch wishing he could be anywhere else but there.

"What makes you think you can do this?" Jimin asked in a surprisingly calm voice, but Jungkook could sense the anger behind it. "What makes you think you can ignore us and isolate yourself from us for weeks and then just show up without an explanation? What makes you think you can hurt my Jungkookie?" Taehyung's eyes met Jimin's when he heard him call Jungkookie his.

"Don't even look at me like that and try to act like you care. You're so pathetic. I understand your life is nowhere near easy, but that doesn't excuse you from breaking Jungkook, again. Do you know how many nights I spent with him while he cried? Or how many times I caught him with a razor in his hand and a bottle of pills on the counter?!" Jimin's voice was getting louder and Jungkook was on his feet tugging his arm.

"Please. Just leave him alone." Jungkook mumbled to Jimin. Taehyung looked at the two with empty eyes. He still hadn't said a word. "Jungkook, go." Jimin demanded.
"No." Jungkook glared at the older.
"Seriously Jungkook go to bed."
"Hyu-" Jungkook was cut off by Jimin pushing him which made him fall to the floor. He saw something spark in Taehyung's eyes, but he didn't know what it was.

"Hey! What's going on out here?!" Namjoon yelled just before Jimin slammed his fist into Taehyung's jaw. Everyone gasped as they scrambled to get Jimin off of him. Jungkook sat and tried to comprehend what was going on as the tears streamed down his face.

When they finally got Taehyung up there was blood coming from his teeth and nose and his eye began to swell. Jimin was sitting on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest as loud sobs escaped his mouth. Jin took Taehyung away to help clean him up while Namjoon and Yoongi were whispering things to Jimin.

Finally Hoseok shuffled over to Jungkook and wrapped his arms around him. "It'll be alright Jungkookie." Hoseok whispered as he tried to soothe him. Jungkook just kept crying and crying until he finally fell asleep.


A/N: sorry I've been gone for a couple days, I'm struggling with my surgery recovery and on top of that I now have a cold ;(

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