~ sixteen ~

377 20 13

{ Taehyung's POV }

"Hey Taehyungie." Jin smiled as he picked up my luggage to take out to the car. I smiled slightly as Namjoon walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. Should I try and answer? I guess so. "Y-yes. W-whenever you are." My voice was still pretty hoarse and I didn't miss the glance Jungkook shot my way at hearing me talk.

We got to the van and Namjoon sat up front while Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook sat in the middle and Yoongi, Hoseok, and I sat in the back. My hands were still shaking and sitting directly behind Jungkook didn't help me. The other members were all made aware of my current mental state before I got down to the lobby so I hope none of them question my shakiness.

As if reading my mind Hoseok wraps an arm around my shoulders in an attempt to calm me down. "It'll be alright Tae. Wanna watch some movies when we get home?" That sounds wonderful. I smile and nod. His grin gets wider and he continues talking about what I missed while I was gone. We leave for the tour in two days. First stop, Santiago, Chile.


When we got home Jin took my bags inside to my room and started unpacking for me while Yoongi started the oven to make some cinnamon rolls. I flinch as Jungkook walks quickly past me and goes into Jimin's room. He must've moved into there. Good.

I was left in the living room with Jimin. I sat down on the couch and tried not to look at him. I don't know when he got so intimidating, but it was almost as bad as Jungkook. I froze as I saw him sit down next to me on the couch a few inches away. I averted my eyes away as I saw him turn to face me. What does he want?

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap tightly around me. I could tell without looking that it was Jimin, and in response my body started to shake. I felt his hand snake up from my back and into my hair. I couldn't help but lean into the touch it was so relaxing. The shaking began to stop as I remembered the warm Park Jimin and not the one from the night I got home from my vacation.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung-ah." He whispered in my ear and that's when I finally broke and hugged him back, my head getting buried into his chest. "I-I'm sorry h-hyung." I croaked out as tears welled up in my eyes. He just hugged me tighter. I didn't plan on letting go anytime soon.

"Park Jimin-ah!" I felt him throw himself away from me as we both looked to the bottom of the stairs. Jungkook stood there with his arms crossed and a scowl across his face. My mind went blank as I looked at Jimin to see guilt in his eyes. I looked back at Jungkook who's eyes were already looking at me. They looked so dark and I knew I'd see them in my sleep tonight.

Jimin jumped up and the two rushed upstairs as Jin came downstairs and Yoongi rushed out with the rolls and a Hoseok trailing behind him. Yoongi set the plate in my lap and sat on my right side with Hoseok on my right. They turned on My Neighbor Totoro helping me forget about the strange moment Jimin and I had shared.

When the movie finished I headed upstairs to my room to check on how well Jin unpacked. We were all taking a break before the next movie started.

I walked in my room to find it perfectly clean. Nothing was how I left it, but that was a given. I felt myself staring at the empty half of my closet that once held Jungkook's things. It's weird how my chest ached, but my mind felt relief from his absence.

After looking around a bit I headed out to the hallway and was walking towards the stairs when I heard something so strange, and yet so familiar. My legs took me towards the noise without thinking and were soon stopped outside Jimin's room.

I felt my heart race as my hand reached for the doorknob. I'm not so sure about this. What am I doing? My hand kept going for the doorknob and I soon turned it and wished I hadn't.

The door creaked open, and there they were. They hadn't heard me yet and I just stood there in shock and fear and anger. There's so many emotions raging through me at once I don't know how to describe it.

"Jiminie please, more."

That brought me to my senses and I let out a very much audible gasp.

Tears were welling up in my eyes,

but from what?

"Oh my god Taehyung." Jimin said as he sat up with wide eyes and swollen lips. Jungkook plopped down beside him and smirked at me with anger in his eyes. I felt myself shaking again. I can't stand here anymore. I can't stand this anymore.

I flew down the stairs and out the front door without looking back or paying attention to Jimin's calls behind me.

None of this would have happened if that jerk would have just let me die.


A/N: what's up fam I updated

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