~ fourteen ~

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{ Taehyung's POV }

"Well Mr. Kim you're lucky you made it through all of that. You've recovered quite nicely, but I'm afraid we can't let you go. You have no record of speech problems and now the stress and trauma has made you mute. Plus, after this suicide attempt you need to stay in our psychiatric ward for at least three weeks."

I frowned at the doctor and he gave me a sad smile. I don't wanna be gone from everyone for three weeks. I didn't even get to try and apologize. No one has shown up since the night Jungkook stormed out of here. The only news I saw about it was some fans spotted him in a park in the rain across from the hospital that night and they saw Jimin come and take him home. Jimin. Always saving Jungkook.

My Jungkook.


{ Jungkook's POV }

I woke up to the familiar pair of arms around my waist. They've been there for many nights now, but they still startle me each morning.

"Good morning Kookie." Jimin mumbled as he leaned in and pecked my cheek. Jimin was ecstatic when I finally accepted his repeated confessions. I'm not sure why I did it. Out of spite? Because I don't wanna be alone? I don't know. All I know is I definitely do not feel the same.

"We have practice today, we can't just lay here all day hyung." I said with a little bit of annoyance to my voice. He frowned at me as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Today was also the day that Taehyung would be officially admitted into the mental ward. I really hope they can help him, but because of that Jin and Namjoon have to go take him clothes and fill out paperwork at the hospital today. They invited me to go since this would be the last chance to see him for a few weeks. Of course I declined;

it would hurt me too much.

So Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, and I headed to the studio to work on vocals for the day. We were going to go through the songs for the concert that we needed extra practice on. Everyone knew my mind was occupied elsewhere, but I still tried my hardest.

At about 3:00 Namjoon and Jin showed up with puffy eyes and bags of food for us. It was probably really hard seeing Taehyung like that. I was hoping no one would ask about him while we were eating, but of course Hoseok piped up out of curiosity.

"How was Taehyung?" He asked in between bites.
"He's...different." Namjoon said wearily. He sounded in pain and exhausted.
"Different how?" Yoongi asked. Why couldn't they just leave it alone? Jimin's grip on my hand tightened a bit, knowing that I was getting upset.

"Well..if you really wanna know, he looks like hell. His face has gotten thinner and his roots are showing. His eyes are red and swollen and he just looks awful. He still won't talk, but they hope to fix that. He's really struggling. I wish there was more we could do to help him through this, but now we can't contact him for three weeks."

I pushed my plate over and stood up from the table. I just can't take this. Why do I still care about him? Why can't I get over him? He's such a mess, but it's killing me.

Why is he still my everything?

Of course Jimin came out for me and before I could say anything he pulled me in for a hug. His hugs are so warm and they make me feel so at home, but nothing like how Taehyung's hugs used to make me feel.

"I know you still love him."

I pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes. "N-no I lo-love you.." I felt tears brimming my eyes. I was lying and he knew it. He smiled warmly and kissed my forehead. "I know you love me, but not like how you love him." He's right; and I'm ashamed of it. "Don't feel bad Kookie. I'm always here for you in anyway that you need me, even if it's nothing romantic. I'll always be here." With that I let the tears run out and he pulled me to his chest again. I really love Jimin, but he's right,

I love Taehyung more.


A/N: man I'm sorry if this is shitty i have some writers block and a lot of emotional bs going on that's hard to deal with

Thank you all for the support and reads though, it means a lot

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