~ twenty nine ~

400 22 18

{ Jungkook's POV }




I opened my eyes to see Taehyung looking in them. Where was I? I looked around and saw this most certainly was not my room and that this is certainly Taehyung's.

"Hyung, why am I here?"

"You fell asleep here a few hours ago."

"Wait...so that wasn't a dream?"

Taehyung moved from his sitting position on the bed and leaped on top of me.

"Which part?"

Oh god. Taehyung and I actually fucked again. Oh my goodness. Taehyung smirked at me and got off me so he was standing next to the bed. He was wearing some flowery beach shirt and swim trunks.

"Come on silly we're going to the beach with everyone, but you might wanna clean up first."

What a tease.


"Jungkook what happened to you? You look totally whipped." Jimin said as he came over to stand with me. We were currently waiting for the vans to come pick us up.

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Did you look in the mirror? Your hair is a wreck and I've never seen your lips so swollen. You and Taehyung are back together aren't you?"

"Yah! What makes you think that?"

"Have you looked at him at all? He's smiling like a goon over there with Yoongi. He looks drunk."

"But we didn't drink."

"So you two are back together. Hoseok owes me $20."

"I don't know if we are or not."

"Well, for now lets go. The vans are here."

We separated into the vans. Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin in one, with Hoseok, Taehyung, Yoongi, and I in the other. Taehyung and I had the seat in the very back. It was an hour drive to the beach which was awkward to say the least.

"So Kookie," Taehyung whispered as he put a hand on my thigh. I had never tensed up so much in my life and we still had thirty minutes left of the ride. "Are you having fun in Hawaii?"

"Uhh..y-yeah..I guess you could say that."

"Oh really, what's your favorite thing you've done so far?"

Oh so he wants to play that game huh.


I've never seen a hand move from my thigh so fast in my whole life. I don't think I've seen a face so red either.

"Woah Taehyungie your face is really red. Did Kookie say something dirty?" Hoseok asked with a wink making Taehyung's face get redder. I could feel some heat spread to my cheeks too. Taehyung was too flustered to talk so I decided to have some fun.

"You see this tomato faced Taehyungie over here?" I asked which received nods from the yoonseok duo. "He's mine." I said in a lower voice and a smirk on my face. I knew that would drive Taehyung wild. He looked at me with utter shock like when we won our first daesang.

"Aigooo the taekook couple is back together!" Hoseok shouted.


"We sure are." I said with a wink.


At the beach were makeshift makeup booths for us because as I assumed we were going to be doing a photo shoot for our summer package today. Hoseok and Jin were paired up, then Jimin and Yoongi, and finally Namjoon, Taehyung, and I.

I had to wear red and black striped tank with black swim trunks and some flip flops. Taehyung was wearing a white tank with the unbuttoned shirt he had on earlier and khaki shorts with a boater hat. Namjoon had on an orange and white striped tank and skinny jeans. We were all very excited to start the shoot and fortunately we were first.

We posed in front of palm trees and surfboards and Taehyung was clinging to me the whole time. We also did a stereotypical jump shot in front of the sun. It was quite nice actually even though Taehyung was incredibly clingy and barely let Namjoon near me.

He's acting so different.

"Jungkookie come into the water with me!" Taehyung shouted as he stood in the water a few yards away from me. Oh jeez.

I shuffled through the sand over to him and he reached out and grabbed my hand. It felt so foreign to me yet so familiar. I was very conflicted about our situation and really wanted to talk about it.

"Hey hyung."

"Yeah Kookie?"

"Can I talk to you?"

He lifted his eyebrows at me and gestured for me to come sit by him in the sand a little ways away from the others.

"What'd you wanna talk about Jungkookie?"


"What about us?"

"What are we now?"

"I thought you wanted us to be together."

"But is that what you want?"

He looked up at me with his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"I thought I told you I love you."

"But are you really sure? You're totally ready to go back to what we were?"


And right there I watched as he looked at me with wide and fear-filled eyes while grabbing his chest with one hand and my arm with the other.



"Oh my god Taehyung! Someone help!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I brought him closer to me.

"Taehyungie. Please. What's wrong."

Yoongi shouted in the distance that they called someone and the ambulance is on its way.

I pushed the hair out from his eyes and cupped his tear stained cheeks in my hands. He reached one shaky arm up and cupped one of my cheeks in his hand as well.

"Jungkook...I-I love you."


A/N: y'all hate me now don't you

One chapter left :)

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