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taehyungiexo: Jungkook you better not be coming here

taehyungiexo: I don't need you here

taehyungiexo: it won't be good for me

taehyungiexo: or you

taehyungiexo: so please

taehyungiexo: for the sake of us

taehyungiexo: and bangtan and army

taehyungiexo: please just stay home

taehyungiexo: that's all I want from you

taehyungiexo: please Jungkook

taehyungiexo: DONT COME

taehyungiexo: I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you if you show up

taehyungiexo: I'm not even kidding Jeon Jungkook

taehyungiexo: I'll hate you

taehyungiexo: I just checked the Seoul transit website

taehyungiexo: the train here arrives in ten minutes

taehyungiexo: and I bet you're on it

taehyungiexo: I hate you Jeon Jungkook

taehyungiexo: I hate you I hate you I hate you

taehyungiexo: and we're done

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now