~ eighteen ~

415 19 8

{ Jimin's POV }

I shouldn't have done that. I should never have let Jungkook do that to me. He's just so..so..intoxicating. Yeah that's a good way to describe him. I was so angry with how he was treating Taehyung like some awful stranger when he and I both know he loves him more than anyone. What is wrong with him?

So here I am now running crazily through the streets trying to find Taetae. He doesn't deserve the horrible treatment from Jungkook. We've all known each other for years now, we're all a family, so why would he act with such cruelty? And then use me like a toy to take his angst out on. I'm so done.

Taehyung's not at his favorite park and nowhere on our old campus. Where could he have gone? Oh no. There's only one place he could be if he's nowhere obvious.

The train station.

The sprinting began and my legs flew across the downtown streets of the city and up to the train station, trying to dodge cameras on every block. I just wish I could be invisible this one time. It'd help me so much right now.

As I run up the steps I see him on the first platform. He's just sitting against the wall with his head in his knees. I see his shoulders move up and down and automatically know he's crying. Oh Taehyungie.

I approach him quietly, not wanting him to know I'm here and that it's me. He won't want to speak to me I already know that. So I just shuffle over and sit down next to him. He doesn't look up. I don't think he heard me, he's sobbing so loudly. He has the right to do that. Now we've both hurt him more than before.

"Taehyung-ah." I say hesitantly as I grab his shoulder. He jumps and turns to me with wide but swollen eyes and his face is all red. I frown at him and for some reason he doesn't try to run. Thank goodness.

"Tae, I'm sorry. Jungkook really manipulated me back there. I'm very angry with him actually, but I hope you can forgive me." I look up and see more tears run down his face, but his eyes are laced with fear and pain, not anger.

I make the next move and wrap an arm around his shoulders. He tenses up and tries to scoot away from me. He must hate me, damnit.

"Please." My heart breaks at his strained voice. "D-don't touch me. Y-you j-j-just touched Jun-" his voice cuts off as more sobs rage through him. No, Taehyungie. I don't care what he says I wrapped my arms around him anyway which made him cry harder.

"Please forgive me Taehyung. Please I'll do anything you want. Just don't hate me." I don't even realize I'm crying until I watch the tears drop to the top of his head. He pulls away from me slowly and meets my eyes.

"Anything?" He asks quietly. I smile lightly and nod. What could he have in mind? "O-okay. Then stay with me. D-don't leave m-me. Just l-l-love me. Please." I hear the desperation in his voice, but that's such a tall order. I'm pissed at Jungkook right now, but I'm pretty sure I really love him. Maybe if I can prompt the mending of those two he won't be so desperate and I can just let them both go.

I'm not sure what I'm thinking, but I still say,



A/N: so Jimin is lowkey a hoe now surprise surprise

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now