~ twenty three ~

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{ Jungkook's POV }

As we reached our hotel rooms the events of last night began to come back to me. Oh god. I remembered everything that happened. From my drunken confessions to cleaning up the mess after Taehyung and I had finished.

What didn't help was the fact that I have to share a room with him and Jimin. The other couples got rooms to themselves. Lucky bastards. Theres only two queen beds. Where will one of us sleep?

All these thoughts were running through my head as I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a robe, covering my own hickeys too. When I went out to the room Taehyung was looking at me from one bed and Jimin on the other. I have to pick? Neither one of them were getting up anytime soon and we didn't have a couch, just a small chair.

"Where are you gonna sleep, Jungkook?" Jimin asked coldly. Taehyung also looked at me expectantly. Well, I've fucked and been in love with both of them, but I feel like choosing just a simple bed to sleep on will be like choosing who I go back to. This is an unusually hard decision.

"W-well...where do you guys want me to sleep?" I asked hesitantly. Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other and seemed to be having a conversation with just their eyes. I could feel my heart beating in my ears as the tension in the room was suffocating. This is awful.

"Just get over here."


We all sat quietly around the table at the restaurant, listening to the fans screaming outside. The air was heavy from the situation on the plane and I could feel my skin burning from the stares.

Taehyung sat next to me, but was as far away as possible in the small seat. Jin was on the other side of me, shooting me glares while trying to make jokes to lighten the mood. It wasn't working at all.

I looked up from my plate after awhile to find Jimin glaring at me and Yoongi had a smirk plastered on his face through the bites of his enchilada. I pushed the food in front of me around, the atmosphere ruined my appetite.

"Jungkook you have to eat something." I looked up to see Namjoon staring at me now too. I looked over at Jimin who was still glaring at me and I felt my throat tighten up.

"A-actually I think I'm just gonna go wait in the van." I pushed myself away from the table and went outside without looking back. I knew I wouldn't get much more piece since the fans know I'm in here, but at least the van is guarded and the windows are tinted.

I began to think about everything that's happened lately from Taehyung leaving and to me fucking him and I'm not sure why, but I began to cry. At first they were small sobs and I tried to gulp them down my throat to see if it'd stop, but they just kept getting louder and louder.

"What are you doing?" A voice above me croaked out through tears of his own. I looked up to see a red faced Taehyung, glaring at me angrily despite the tears in his eyes.

I'm not sure what came over me, but right then and there I stood up from the seat and pulled him tight into a hug. He froze up and squirmed and squirmed. I tried to force him to stay until loud screams filled the silence of the van.

I quickly let him go to see him stumble back and fall on the ground. His eyes were closed and he kept thrashing around, screaming at me to get away from him and begging me to not hurt him. I was stuck in place and didn't dare move even though it killed me to see him like that.

He eventually opened his eyes that were stricken with fear like he just saw a ghost, and when they met mine the expression didn't change, the sobs just grew softer.

I didn't even know what to say. My mind is stumbling over words after seeing Taehyung like that in front of me. I guess my mind settled for saying one simple word.


He looked at me and fresh tears streamed down his face. "Taehyung I-" I cut myself off, not knowing what to say next. I just sat down in front of him and tried not to scare him. He still flinched at my movements and I wondered if this is how he really sees me.

Does he think I'm a monster too?

"I'm sorry." The two words I haven't said since he left that hospital. The two words I haven't said since he walked in on Jimin and I. The two words I haven't said when I've hurt him so badly. The two words he always says to mend the broken glass of our relationship. The two words he seemed to be waiting to hear.

His eyes widened and the fear left them as quick as it had entered. I saw his shoulders visibly relax and his face go blank. Even with the blank expression I swear I could hear the wheels spinning in his head; trying to understand and comprehend what I had just said.

The next four words were some that neither one of us expected me to say;

"I love you, Taehyung."


A/N: go read my new jikook fic it's gonna be great

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now