~ epilogue ~

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~ 10 years later ~

"I remember when I first met Taehyung. He seemed nice at first..but then he just got weird. Jungkook on the other hand was adorable from the start. He was a little fluff ball that could make you smile just from walking in the room. These two boys seemed to be exactly the same even though they were complete opposites, but as they say, opposites attract and that they did. After many trials and certainly a lot of errors I never thought I'd be here today toasting them on their wedding day. I feel like I helped raise them both into the people they are today. I've helped guide them into the fantastic singers they are and have been their leader. I love them both so much and wish them all the best. They deserve it. Here's a toast to the Jeons!"

Namjoon raised his glass and others followed suit. Hoseok turned to Jin and told him that he was sure he saw a tear on Namjoon's cheek. They rarely see him shed a tear so this must have been very special to him.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung after sipping some champagne and kissed him on the lips making him giggle wildly. He was so happy to finally call Taehyung his husband after so many years. He could hardly believe it actually happened.

"I love you so much Jungkookie."

"I love you too Taehyungie."

They kissed again but stopped when they heard some snickers and giggles a few seats away. Jungkook turned and smirked at the two young girls with red faces. "Chae-yeong and Hye-bin what did I tell you about leaving them be?!"

"Really Jin they're fine." Taehyung said with a smile as he gestured them to come over. They walked over cautiously from their seats and stood a couple feet away from the newlyweds. Taehyung took the flower from his suit and pinned it onto Chae-yeong's dress while Jungkook took his off and pinned it on Hye-bin's.

Jin and Namjoon smiled at the blush that lined their daughters' cheeks. The two girls stumbled away bowing and thanking them and Namjoon took them away to the dance floor.

Chae-yeong rushed forward to dance while Hye-bin held back gripping her father's hand. Namjoon leaned down next to her and smiled. "Why aren't you dancing sweetheart? Please tell me you didn't pick up my dance moves, oh god I'm so sorry they're so embarrassing-"

"No no dad, look." Hye-bin subtly pointed at the boy in the middle of the floor showing off his dance moves to all the other kids and adults that clapped. "Ahhh, does my little girl have a crush?" Namjoon smiled sweetly as Hye-bin's cheeks flushed. She slowly nodded her head.

"You know I had a crush on a boy like him once. He had a bright smile and lit up the room whenever he walked in. I see he's raised a son that's just the same. Go get him Hye-ah."

Hye-bin looked at her dad with confusion until she saw the very man himself walk over and take his son's hand.

"Your crush was Hobi?" She asked and Namjoon nodded. "But now he's happy with Yoongi and I have your dad, so everything's fine. Now go. Go after Min-hwan." Hye-bin pecked Namjoon's cheek before joining the boy on the dance floor who didn't hesitate to grab her hand.


"Taehyung." Jungkook said as he heard the beginning of a new song come on. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for what he had to say. "May I have this dance?" Jungkook asked quietly with a bow. Taehyung smiled and nodded his head before grabbing his husband's hand.

Everyone cleared the area as the couple took the center of ballroom floor by storm. They all stared in awe with warm hearts as the two moved so fluidly with each step.

'Please don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies'

"This is our song isn't it, Kook?"

"I guess it is." Jungkook laughed before smiling lovingly at Taehyung. He remembered all the nights with Taehyung gone at the studio while he sat at Yoongi's house worried about him and saving leftovers for him. He smiled when he thought about the almost empty glasses of apple juice he found every morning. He remembered the help from Yugyeom in learning the song and singing it to Taehyung in the hospital for the first time.

'And God tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young'

Taehyung remembered all the days of writing in a notebook to talk to the love of his life and all the pain one boy had caused him. It was hard, but worth it in the end. He loved Jungkook more than anything and was glad he never truly let him out from his grasp. He's not sure what he'd do without the man that was now looking into his eyes with tears at their corners.

'Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?'

The dance ended in claps and cheers and Taehyung pulling Jungkook into a deep kiss. The two pulled apart as they remembered they were in front of so many people. Everyone went back to what they were doing as the boys left the dance floor and headed back to their seats.

"I can't wait for tonight." Jungkook whispered huskily in Taehyung's ear earning a slap on the arm from the said boy. Jungkook smirked and tried his best to look seducing, but ended up just laughing with his bunny cheeks.

"So how are you two tonight?"

The boys looked up to see an eye smiling black haired boy wearing a beautiful tuxedo. "Jiminie!" Jungkook yelled and smiled. Jimin had been so busy coordinating everything and making sure the night was perfect that he barely had time to talk to the couple.

"We're doing great. This is honestly so amazing Jimin thank you so much for doing this." Taehyung said with a heartwarming smile.

"Aigooo my heart can't take such kind words. I only did the decorating. Hoseok is the real one to thank and Yoongi too for being th DJ and other sound technology stuff guy."

"Yeah yeah we already saw them." Jungkook smiled widely.

"So now that you've helped with the Namjin, Yoonseok, and Taekook weddings. When will yours be?" Taehyung smirked. Jimin blushed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe soon."

The two boys' eyes widened.

"WHOS THE LUCKY MAN?!" They shouted in unison.

"Shhh don't worry about that now. Just have fun! I have to go now before Yoonseok's three year old knocks down that vase." He scurried off across the room and was quickly lost in the crowd.


"Well Jungkookie. What's next for us?" Taehyung asked as the boys rode in a limo to the airport. They decided to go back to Hawaii for their honeymoon. They hadn't been there in years.

"Well...we have a dog, but how about we add some small humans...?" Jungkook asked hesitantly not knowing how Taehyung would react.

Taehyung looked at him with shock, but it soon turned to happiness.

"What a great idea Kookie!" He threw himself in Jungkook's lap which surprised the latter. Jungkook smiled and peppered Taehyung's face with kisses as they arrived at the airport.


"I just realized my one wish in life came true." Jungkook said quietly as he grabbed his husband's hand while they sat on the beach in the sunset.

"And that was?"

"To hear your voice."

Taehyung flashed him a boxy smiled and squeezed his hand.

"I got my wish too even though I was scared to have it granted."

"And what was that wish Tae?"

"To hear your voice, and to this day the beauty of it often leaves me speechless."

~ END ~


A/N: stay tuned for the final note and voting for new stories! :)



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