~ seventeen ~

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I rush up to my room as soon as we get home. I don't want to spend anymore time around Taehyung. After everything he did to me these past years. I hate him. He shouldn't have bothered coming back to BTS or coming back home, but since he's here he will be a co worker and nothing more.

I lay on the bed and pull out my phone, smiling at the lock screen of Jiminie and I. I'm pretty sure I love him now. I scroll through Twitter and play some piano tiles when it hits me. Where's Jimin? He said he'd be right in. Where did he go? I feel my face grow hot and my muscles tense. I bet he's with Taehyung.

I shuffle out from our room and head down the hallway when I see them. I stand at the railing that looks out onto the living room and there they are. Jimin and Taehyung. Hugging. I watch as Jimin cards his fingers through Taehyung's hair and pull him closer to his chest. It takes everything in me not to beat the hell out of both of them.

I listen carefully to hear Jimin apologizing? And Taehyung does too? Why? My Jimin shouldn't be apologizing to that. Jimin leans back into the pillows of the couch with Taehyung still hugging him. Neither one of them are letting go. Jimin looks like he's falling asleep as the strokes through Taehyung's hair decrease. That's fucking it.

I quietly walk down the stairs and stop at the bottom with my arms crossed. They are going to pay. "Park Jimin-ah!" I snap, making him jump away from Taehyung. Good. I see the guilt in his eyes and the panic on Taehyung's face. I hate him. His stupid hair and stupid eyes. I hate him.

Jimin races towards me and I go up to our room. Once we're both inside and the door is closed he glares at me. What? I should be the one glaring.

"Why were you doing that?" I practically snarl at him. "Because he's my friend? He's been through a lot Jungkook. I didn't want to have any bad blood between us anymore. Maybe you should take some ideas from me!" What? Did he really just say that?

"You know how much he hurt me! Why are you defending him?!" I raise my voice.
"I know what he did, but did you ever think he straightened himself out after what happened? Did you give him a chance to tell you what his intentions were? Did you think about any of that, Jungkook? I'm guessing no."

"O-Of course I thought about that!" Lies.
"No you didn't! You just stuttered!"
"That doesn't mean shit!" I felt my face growing hotter, but not with just anger, but lust. Jimin being so angry is the worst and yet best turn on ever.

"Why do yo-" I cut him off by slamming him against the wall. "Jungkook..what are you doing?" What am I doing? I'm not sure, but my answer was to kiss him and that's just what I did. He didn't respond at first, but as I bit down on his lip he began to move in sync with me.

I moved my hands to his hips and lifted him up, making him yelp in surprise as he wrapped his legs around my waist. I threw him down on our already messy bed and straddled his waist as I hovered above him. We still hadn't broken the kiss.

I moaned which seemed to give him a wave of dominance as he took over the kiss and wrapped his arms around my neck. I couldn't let him take this over so I broke the kiss and looked at his face. His eyes were heavy and I'd never seen his lips so swollen. It made him look so hot.

"J-Jung-" I cut him off again as I moved my lips to his neck. He let out a strangled moan and whimpered as I hit the soft spot of skin, making sure I left a mark there. Jimin's mine now. I moved down and quickly bit his collarbones. He whimpered and didn't hesitate to help me get his and mine shirt off.

I stopped and looked at him. He sure his beautiful. I let my fingers lightly brush the skin on his toned abs which made him shiver. His breath hitched when I reached his nipples and a smirk drew itself across my face.

I moved back down and peppered his chest with kisses and hickeys and moved down his entire stomach. I stopped at waistband of his pants which had an obvious bulge in the middle. I looked at him and met his eyes. He was panting so heavily.

"N-no wait." What? No Jimin please not now. I looked at him with pleading eyes as I felt my own bulge growing in my pants. He flashed me a smile I'd never seen before. It was darker and much more intimidating. I stared into his eyes and felt my mind wander to when Taehyung had been in this same spot only in a different bed- what no! Snap out of it Jungkook!

My thoughts are cut off when Jimin leans up and moves his own lips to my neck. Woah. What is this new wave of dominance?! With much restraint I finally let out a loud moan making Jimin smile into my neck. I move myself farther up onto his lap to give him more access to my neck and chest.

He kept kissing my neck and chest as he moved his hands up and down my stomach making me shiver uncontrollably. Then all of a sudden he just stopped. I looked down to see him smirking up at me. He connected his lips up to mine and I felt his hand trail down my stomach and stop at my pants. I was about to tell him to keep going when he slid his hand under my pants and boxers, grabbing my dick with his small hand.

I bucked my hips forward out of shock and surprise. He stroked and squeezed, but still wouldn't pull down my pants. I hear something from the hallway, but push it aside as he keeps stroking and squeezing. More moans escape my lips and he leans up closer to my neck.

"Tell me what you want, baby."

"Jiminie please, more."

My body freezes when I hear a loud gasp from behind me. Jimin shoots straight up in bed almost hitting his head on me. I'm still slightly hovered above him, but give in and sit down next to him. Oh fuck. No.

"Oh my god. Taehyung." Jimin says in shock as he scrambles to get his clothes on. Taehyung's eyes meet mine and I watch as they fill up with tears. Well, that's how payback works Taehyung. It just sucks because now Jimin's gone too, chasing him through the house.

That's when the guilt sinks in on what was about to happen. If he wouldn't have walked in Jimin and I would have fucked,

but why does the idea of that feel so wrong?

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now