~ twenty one ~

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"Let's take this to another room, shall we?"

Jungkook smiled before sloppily grabbing Taehyung's hand and leading him to the VIP room of the bar. He flashed the guard his card showing he was in fact the Jeon Jungkook and they entered the small room with a circle table in the middle and a couch on the back wall.

As soon as the door closed Jungkook slammed Taehyung onto the wall making his breath hitch and his mind get blurrier as he took in the lust of the younger. They smashed their lips together while Jungkook wrapped his hyung's legs around his waist and laced their fingers together up against the wall.

Taehyung bit down on Jungkook's lip making him moan in response and open his mouth to give Tae deeper access. The two were so connected that they didn't know where one of them started and the other ended. The alcohol in their veins consumed them as they moved over to the large black leather couch.

Taehyung pulled feverishly at the buttons of Jungkook's shirt as he hovered above him. He gasped loudly as Jungkook decided to thrust himself down onto the bulge in the other's tight skinny jeans.

"Tell me what you want baby." Jungkook demanded into Taehyung's ear before biting down on his neck. Taehyung's back arched in pain and pleasure, touching their bulges together. Jungkook growled at the excess of clothes between them and ripped off Taehyung's shirt before his own. He looked down at the black fabric in his hands and smiled devilishly before tying it tightly around Taehyung's wrists.

"W-what are you doing?" Taehyung gasped out before Jungkook slid his fingers down his torso. "This is gonna be fun, Taehyungie." His hyung was about to reply when he grabbed ahold of the bulge in Taehyung's pants, he's never heard him moan so loud.

"Please just d-do something w-with it." Taehyung mewled at the younger. "That's not how we beg hyung." Taehyung moaned just from Jungkook's talking. "How do you want me to beg?" Taehyung asked in a lower husky voice that had Jungkook restraining from fucking him right there. 

"Call me daddy."

"Alright daddy, please, just fuck me already."

Jungkook smiled and unbuttoned Taehyung's pants, pulling them down with his boxers painfully slow. "You're so hard for me baby." Taehyung let out a loud moan again as Jungkook hovered his head above his dick, the hot breath making his stomach twist and wanna cum just from that.

He almost lost it when Jungkook finally dragged his tongue slowly across his entire length, stopping at the top. His tied hands found their way to the brown hair, pulling roughly on it. Jungkook tried swatting his hands away, but when he saw that wasn't working he slammed his mouth over Taehyung's entirety.


Taehyung bucked his hips and Jungkook sucked down hard. Taehyung could feel his stomach clenching and Jungkook could taste the precum mixed with saliva and suddenly stopped. The older whined and felt the tears run down his face from being so painfully close to releasing.

"We've barely started baby."

Jungkook trailed kisses up his stomach and left blooming bruises all around his collarbones and neck before meeting his lips again. He wiped Taehyung's tears with his thumbs. Everything was sloppy from the alcohol.

Jungkook pulled his pants down with his boxers revealing himself to the older. Taehyung reached his tied hands forward, but Jungkook stopped him. "P-please let me help you." Taehyung hiccuped. Jungkook shook his head and sloppily kissed Taehyung's forehead.

"Trust me, you'll do enough." Jungkook giggled. He took some of the precum from Taehyung and used it on himself to get ready to fuck the life out of his hyung.

Taehyung stared at him with hungry eyes and licked his lips. Jungkook was smirking at him as he placed himself near Taehyung's entrance, not even thinking to prep him first. It's been months since they've done this.

Taehyung winced as Jungkook slid himself inside, but the younger tried to distract him by untying his hands and kissing him harshly. Taehyung moaned and pulled away after a few short seconds.

"M-more, daddy."

Jungkook slowly slid his full length in and lightly thrusted his hips to keep things going. Taehyung at first let out small yelps and whimpers that quickly turned into obnoxious moans and screams as Jungkook consumed him entirely and found his sweet spot.

Jungkook growled into their kisses as Taehyung raked his fingernails up and down Jungkook's back. Taehyung smirked and moaned at the pleasure filled noises coming from the younger.

"Oh...Taehyuuung." Jungkook moaned as he felt himself getting close. He grabbed Taehyung's dick and started pumping it in time with his thrusts driving the older crazy.

Jungkook smiled as Taehyung screamed his name repeatedly and came all over their stomachs. Jungkook rode out both of their orgasms slowly decreasing the thrusts as they both came down. Taehyung flung his head back and sweat rolled down his face. His bangs were messily plastered to his head as well as Jungkook's.

Jungkook pulled out slowly and slumped over on top of Taehyung too tired to move just yet. They breathed heavily taking in the musky scents mixed with alcohol. Jungkook gave his hyung a sloppy kiss before grabbing a towel and lazily cleaning themselves up.

He retrieved their clothes and got dressed before helping Taehyung slide into his clothes as well. Taehyung ordered a few more drinks that they drank merrily before passing out on the floor of the VIP room without a care in the world.

They were both so happy and intoxicated, and they knew neither of them would remember that night's events in the morning.



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