~ twenty eight ~

388 23 6

jungkookiebunny: so we're in Hawaii now hyung

taehyungiexo: yeah..?

jungkookiebunny: we should do something fun without the cameras

taehyungiexo: but you always get hurt

jungkookiebunny: no I don't!

taehyungiexo: what happened at the aquarium Jungkook?

jungkookiebunny: idk you said you loved me

taehyungiexo: WHAT

taehyungiexo: I DID NOT

jungkookiebunny: yeah you did when you thought I was asleep after falling into the dolphin pool

taehyungiexo: oh

jungkookiebunny: you kissed my forehead too

taehyungiexo: you're an annoying little boy you know that?

jungkookiebunny: were you lying to me hyung?

jungkookiebunny: well were you?

jungkookiebunny: hyuunngggg

jungkookiebunny: well I love you too

jungkookiebunny: even if you were lying

taehyungiexo: I'm sorry jungkook Im just feeling sick all of a sudden

taehyungiexo: do something fun with jimin hyung today

jungkookiebunny: what?! What's wrong?!

taehyungiexo: I'll be alright kook

jungkookiebunny: NO IM COMING OVER RIGHT NOW

taehyungiexo: please don't

jungkookiebunny: I'm outside your door

taehyungiexo: damn you


Taehyung opened the door to a teary eyed Jungkook that immediately leaped on him like a koala bear causing the pair to fall on the ground.


"I'm sorry hyung."

"Jungkook plea-"

"I'm sorry I called you out on saying you loved me."


"Please don't hate me I-"


Taehyung pushed the younger boy away from him and quickly stood up. Jungkook had tears streaming down his face as he looked at his hyung with pained eyes.

"I ask one thing of you Taehyung and then I'll leave."


"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"When you said you loved me, did you mean it?"

Taehyung thought back on the past weeks, months, and years as he pondered how to answer this seemingly impossible question. Did he really love Jungkook after all these years?

"Jungkook I...I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?! You knew then why don't you know now?!"

Jungkook was now standing over Taehyung making the older boy back up. He didn't know Jungkook would get so angry and it was scaring him.

"Just answer me Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted too harshly making his hyung cower in fear and tears well up in his eyes. Jungkook wasn't backing off and he backed Taehyung up farther and farther till he hit the wall.

"J-Jungkook please. Please don't hurt me." Taehyung whimpered and that sent a wave of regret through Jungkook. His face immediately softened and his body relaxed as he looked down at his shaking hyung. His eyes were shut tight and sobs raged through the weak looking boy in front of him.

"Shit Taehyung. I'm so fucking sorry."

Jungkook leaned down next to him which made Taehyung flinch and try to recoil more into the wall. Taehyung just wanted to disappear. He could feel the same fear as before in his veins and Jungkook's shaky hand on his shoulder wasn't helping that feeling.

"Taehyungie. Look at me. Please. It's just me Kookie."

Jungkook sat down right in front of him and slowly and gently grabbed Taehyung's shaky hands. "Tae it's me Kookie. I won't ever hurt you, okay?" Taehyung cautiously opened his eyes that quickly met with Jungkook's teary ones.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung. I've been pushing you and forcing you into things too fast I'm-"

Jungkook's eyes widened as he was cut off with salty and shaky lips on his. Was Taehyung actually initiating a kiss? Jungkook was too shocked to respond which Taehyung caught on to and pulled away.

"Just fucking kiss me already." Taehyung demanded as his hands went into Jungkook's hair to pull his face to his. Jungkook lost it right there and he cupped Taehyung's cheeks in his hands, still pretty shocked at the situation.

They both finally pulled away when they couldn't breathe anymore and Taehyung looked at the red faced Jungkook and let out a breathy laugh.

"To answer your question. Yes, I did mean it."



speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now